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i sighed, laying down the book that papa had given me as a "gift." papa had assigned a rest day today, giving my boredom a chance to spike. i sat up from my bed, looking around my room for something, anything to do. to no avail, i decided to take a stroll down the hallways.

as i walked down the hallways, i came across 011's room. me and 011 were good friends, and i really liked her. i knocked at her door, hoping for her to answer, and luckily she did. "hi 05." she said kindly, widening the door enough so that i could come in.

i smiled, "hi 011, i need advice." i confessed. i hadn't seen peter in days and i was getting a bit frantic. i needed to see him and ask him how he was doing because the last time we talked, we got into a bit of a fight.


"what's it to you 05?" he yelled, making me flinch a bit. my heart dropped, realizing he had just used my number instead of my name. "because i like you peter, alot." i said desperately, walking closer to him.

he laughed, almost like the situation was funny, "then you would understand that i dont care! just leave me alone 05." he said, turning his back on me. tears welled up in my eyes as i took that as my signal to leave.


eleven nodded, sitting on her bed as she patted the spot next to her, "peter?" she asked lightly. i nodded, wondering how she had known it was about him. "we got into a fight. i just wanted to know how he was doing and he lashed out on me."

eleven nodded as she placed her hand ontop of mine, "talk," she paused, "to peter." she said with a soft smile. i nodded, thanking her before leaving her room, telling her to have a good afternoon.

i hurried down the hallways, finding my way quickly to peter's room. i took a deep breath before i softly knocked on his door. a few moments later, peter opened the door looking a bit shocked to see me standing there.

"hi." i said, which came out more cold than i had intended it to sound. he opened the door more, allowing me inside. i stepped inside, not feeling as welcomed as i usually did, so i stood against the wall; keeping a bit of distance from peter.

"hello y/n." he finally said, making me almost smile at the use of my name, but not enough to make me forget about our last fight. "why did you get so mad at me?" i asked, getting straight to the point.

he sighed, rubbing his hands down his face. "im sorry. i was just upset," he said, removing his hands off his face, "not, not at you though! i wasn't mad at you." he said, trying to get me to understand.

i nodded my head, not saying anything. "just, why do you want to know so much about me?" he asked, with a foreign look in his eyes. i sighed, my tough facade breaking, "because peter, i care about you. i care about you alot. i want you to be able to talk to me and to know i care." i said as tears welled up in my eyes.

he walked closer to me, his hands cupped my face. i tried my best not to flinch away from him. "i know. and im sorry. please forgive me, love." i nodded, "i forgive you." i said softly, looking up at him.

he looked down at me, making eye contact before smiling. "okay." he said. i laughed softly, relieved that everything had been resolved. i placed a chaste kiss on his lips before going to lay down his bed, excited to tell him about the book i had been reading.

a/n: fluff:D also part three of teachers pet will prob be out tonight;)

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