spy pt 3*

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warning: choking, dumbification, slight overstimulation?

(this will be the last part of spy btw)

peter had left the room, leaving me to relieve myself alone. i was obviously frustrated, peter had edged me to my peak. he wasn't far enough away from my room to not hear me, so i called out his name. i knew the other patients would think nothing of it, and i knew that every day after lunch, all the doctors on the facility would join together for a progress meeting.

i waited a few moments, hoping peter would come back to me. my wishes were granted as peter strolled back into my room, "can i help you y/n?" he asked with fake oblivion. i used my powers to shut the door behind him, getting up from my bed, "peter," i whined out, "i'm sorry for earlier. please, please just fuck me. i need you."

peter stalked closer to me, grabbing my chin and lifting my face up to meet his, "beg." he sneered. my eyes watered, i was extremely overstimulated from the foreplay before; so i did as he said. "peter, please. i'm begging you to please fuck me." he smiled, sinisterly, "get on the bed." he demanded, lust clouding over his eyes.

i obeyed, kneeling down on the bed, ready to do anything he wished. he clicked his tongue, walking towards me, "god, you are one stupid girl y/n," he teased, his hand finding his way to my left breast. "to think you could get away with what you did?" he shook his head lightly while groping my breast.

soft moans escaped my lips as i whimpered out his name. he leaned his face down towards mine, feverishly kissing me. one of his hands went to my hair, pulling it roughly. the other trailed slowly down my body, tracing every curve.

he grabbed me by my waist, pulling me up on all fours. i could hear the sounds of him undressing, only getting me more ready for him. i was vulnerable here, just waiting for peter to have his way with me. when the bed dipped down behind me, i moaned softly, silently begging peter to just fuck me already.

"now y/n, all i want you to do is to lay here and let me fuck you senseless, alright darling?" he asked kindly as he rubbed small circles around my clit. i moaned out a yes, so peter roughly grabbed my hips and slammed into me. a loud moan escaped my lips, he had wasted no time for me to prepare.

he continued slamming into me relentlessly, muttering praises under his breath, "my god y/n, you feel so good." he moaned out, grabbing my hair and forcing my head off of the mattress. the room was hot and filled with the sounds of our intertwined moans. the knot in my stomach had grew quickly, i was so close.

"peter, i'm so close." i whined, my arms giving out from under me. peter groaned, only picking up his pace, "so am i, love. just wait for me alright?" i couldn't form a coherent sentence, so i just moaned loudly into one of the pillows on the bed. "you can do it y/n. you're doing so well." he moaned out from behind me.

it was starting to hurt from how much overstimulation i was receiving, due to the fact that peter wouldn't let me cum just yet. "please peter," i cried, a tear slipping down my cheek. he hastily thrusted into me, "fuck, just hold on." he grunted, "i'm almost there." my back was arched, the only sort of support holding up my body was peter's rough grip on my waist.

"this is what dumb girls get y/n. you need to be smarter next time." he spoke with malice, making me whimper, "yes, i promise i will." he moaned loudly, "i'm close" he tightened his grip on my waist as he slammed into me.

i couldn't take the overstimulation anymore. tears had fallen from my eyes and my knuckles were white from how hard i had been gripping the sheets, and to my relief peter's moans got louder and his thrusts got sloppier, signaling to me that he was cumming.

relief washed through my body as i let the knot in my stomach explode. our loud moans filled the room as peter pulled out of me, releasing his bruising grip on my waist. i toppled onto the bed, a moaning mess as peter lay next to me.

he turned to me, "i didn't hurt you, right?" i laughed softly, "no, it was perfect." he sighed with content, his eyes fluttering closed. in that moment i just looked at his face. the way he looked so relaxed when he was falling asleep. the way his, now, sweaty blonde hair stuck to his forehead. i smiled to myself, feeling my eyelids droop closed as i pulled a blanket over the two of us, laying my head on peter's strong chest.


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