so good*

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i layed in my bed, restless once again. i looked over to the camera in the farthest corner of my room; no red light. that means papa wasn't on the other side of it, watching me.

i sighed, my thoughts drifting off to peter. i thought of his voice, his face, his touch; or more specifically the way he touched me. i felt myself growing more needy by the second, hoping peter would magically appear; but he didn't.

i sighed, sexually frustrated, knowing i would have to relieve myself now. my nimble finger trailed down my body, reaching the hem of the sweatpants we were issued to wear by the lab.

i slowly moved them down and off of me, leaving me in a crewneck and my panties. i rested my head against my pillow, my fingers slowing starting to circle my clit.

i imagined it was peter. my breathing got heavy and soft moans escaped from my lips. i sped up the pace, my moans becoming louder. i felt the knot in my stomach build just from the slight stimulation.

i moaned, slipping two fingers inside of me and pumping them in and out. a couple times, i moaned out peter's name, trying to imagine he was the one doing this.

right was i was about to release, someone in my room cleared their throat. i snapped out of my daze, shooting my head up and off the pillow, looking for the source of the noise.

i looked over to my door, i hadn't heard it open or close but there was someone standing in the shadows. my face flushed a deep red as the figure moved toward the light, peter.

"hello y/n." he spoke with a sly smirk on his face. "i heard my name coming from your room and thought you needed help." he teased, walking closer to me.

i looked down at my sheets, i was extremely embarrassed. "how long were you standing there for?" i asked, hopeful he would say he had just got here. "oh darling, i heard it all." he said, hooking a finger under my chin and lifting my face to meet his.

i harshly swallowed, "what, what exactly did you hear?" i asked catiously, not being able to hold eye contant with him. "i heard your pretty voice moaning my name, begging for more." he spoke, moving a strand of my hair behind my ear.

he sat down own my bed, dropping my face and moving that hand over to my bare thigh. i bit my lip, "i'm, i'm sorry." i said softly, still embarrassed. he moved closer to me, his lips right next to my ear, "for needing me? don't be sorry love. i'm here now." he spoke seductively, moving his hand up and down on my thigh.

my breathed hitched and i met him in a sloppy kiss. our breathing was heavy and our bodies moved closer to each other, eventually ending up with me straddling peter's waist.

he tugged on the hem of my crewneck, asking for permission to take it off. i pulled away from the kiss, lifting the jacket over my head; now leaving me bare chested infront of peter.

he started at my chest, before his lips roughly met my left breast, kissing and sucking on it. i threw my head back in pleasure as his tongue played with my nipple. i grinded down on his lap, making peter groan.

i smirked, grabbing his hair and lifting his face to meet mine, "you're fully clothed peter, why is that?" i asked, feigning innocence.

he nodded his head, quickly unbuttoning his shirt as i undid his belt. he threw his shirt off to the side as i got off his lap so he could undress himself fully.

i took off my panties, already soaking from the foreplay. i bit my lip as i watched peter lean his head back onto the pillows, fully nude infront of me.

i straddled his lap once again, aligning myself to his tip and slowly moving down, elicitating a deep groan from peter. "peter," i whined out, "i can't." i said, referring to his size. his gripped my waist, asking for permission to move me down further and i nodded.

his gripped on his waist tightened the further down i got, and by the time our skin was touching, he had hit a spot deep inside of me. one that you could probably only reach from being in this position.

i moaned loudly, taking a moment to adjust to his size before slowly moving up again. i came back down, hard. peter was harshly gripping my waist, his head thrown back in pleasure. i did the same motion again, leaving peter in a needy state.

"please," he begged, "please go faster." i complied, bouncing ontop of him as both of our moans got louder. peter then bucked his hips, hitting that same spot that made me a moaning mess in the first place.

unable to keep myself up, i leaned down slightly onto his chest as he continued to mercilessly fuck me. my head in the crook of his neck, begging him to go faster.

"god," he groaned, "if you keep that up, im gonna cum." i assumed he was talking about the fact that i was moaning directly into his ear. i smirked, moaning his name desperately into his ear.

he grunted, his thrusts becoming faster and harder, leaving me just how he wanted; a moaning mess right ontop of him.

"keep talking pretty girl." he spoke desperately, his moans increasing in sound. i moaned loudly into his ear once again, "peter, please. im so close." he grunted, his thrusts getting sloppier by the second; signalling to me he was just as close as i was.

my hands gripped his shoulders as the knot in my stomach grew, ready to burst. "go ahead y/n, i know you need to." he said into my ear. and with those words i let the knot in my stomach release, whining loudly.

peter came shortly after, allowing me to ride out my high. he pulled out of me as i fully collasped onto his chest.

"fuck," he said, breathless, "that was so good. you were so good." i laughed softly, playing with the curly blonde hairs on his head.

he kissed my cheek, bidding me a goodnight before turning off the lamp on my nightside table. he looked down at me, only the moonlight illuminating my face, "you're so beautiful." he said, not even realising that i was on the verge of falling asleep.

too tired to reply, i hummed softly, resting a soft hand on his chest and letting my body drift off into sleep.

a/n: what do we think lovelies? ;)

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