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disoriented, i laid in my bed. papa had noticed the pale tone to my face this morning and had excused me to my bedroom for the rest of the day. although i was grateful i didn't have to do anything, i was quite bored.

i laid on my back, just staring at the white ceiling above me. my eyes shifted over to a pile of crayons that laid on my desk, calling me to use them. i was too tired to get up, so i attempted to use my mind to bring one over to me.

as i began to focus on the red crayon, several knocks could be heard coming from my door. i sighed, "come in!" i yelled weakly, my voice cracking a bit. i was expecting papa, coming to check in on me. or maybe eleven, seeing as she was my only good friend here at the lab. but it wasn't either of them. it was peter.

a smile grew on my face as he entered my room, carrying a pile of blankets and a few pillows. "i thought you might need these." he said kindly, walking towards me. i laughed softly, sitting up on my bed. as he sat down next to me, he asked, "how are you feeling?"

my face grew warm at his concern and i shrugged, "i feel sick." he laughed softly, pulling me closer to him and kissing my forehead. "you might have a fever. do you feel cold?" i pondered a moment, now that i thought about it; i did feel cold. i nodded my head, muttering a yes.

feeling myself get lightheaded, i laid down onto my bed once again. although my face was pale and i looked sick, peter still looked at me like i was the most perfect person in the world. he leaned down, his lips brushing against mine in a light kiss.

i backed away, "you're gonna get sick!" i said with concern. he laid next to me, pulling my head onto his chest. "i don't mind. i like being here with you."

my heart felt warm despite my fever. i maneuvered my head up to look into his eyes, then to his lips before placing a quick kiss on them. i laughed softly, placing my head back onto his chest.

i felt myself drifting off to sleep as peter placed the many blankets ontop of us. "goodnight." i said quietly. although it wasn't night i knew i would probably sleep all day due to my sickness.

he kissed the top of my head, "goodnight y/n" and i felt contempt. i felt loved and needed. even though i was sick, peter's presence brought me comfort and assurance. so i drifted off to sleep in the arms of the only man who really cared about me.



peter ballard x fem!reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now