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i had been spending my morning in the rainbow room accompanied by my 'siblings' and peter. i sat still next to eleven as she tried, once again, to get a certain number on the plinko board.

the more times she tried, the more frustrated she got. i didnt like my friends to be upset so i asked her, "what number are you trying to get today, 011?" she looked over to me, the once frustrated look on her face had diminished to a more friendly one.

"3." she said as she tapped on the glass. 011 had never really had an expansive vocabulary, so i tried my best to teach her some things along the way. i smiled as she turned back to the plinko board, readying herself to put another red chip down the top.

as the chip fell choppily down the board, i focused on making it end up in the number three. when it had gotten towards the bottom of the board, a small amount of blood was pooling out of my noise. to my luck, and to 011's excitement, the red chip ended up snugly in the '3' section.

i quickly wiped the blood from my nose before 011 could notice. she turned to me, her face gleaming with excitement, "05! i got 3!" she exclaimed. the big grin on her face made me smile aswell.

imterrupting our quick moment of joy, someone put a hand on my shoulder. i look behind me and i was met with peter, squatted down next to me. "05, come on. papa needs you." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

i looked back to eleven, who had a confused and slightly concerned look on her face. i sent her a warm smile, telling her i was okay.

when we exited the rainbow room, i knew we weren't really going to see papa. "where are we going today peter?" i asked, picking up my speed; trying to keep up with peter's long strides. he looked over to me, tilting his head down to see me fully. "just back to my room to relax." he said calmly.

by the time we had gotten to peter's room, my legs were tired from keeping up with him. i followed him into the room and threw myself onto the bed.

"i missed you." peter confessed as took off his uncomfortable looking shoes, now leaving him in socks. i smiled, "i missed you too." i said, sitting up on the bed.

peter sat next to me looking at me lovingly, "you're gorgeous." he complimented after a moment of silence. my face flushed and i hid my now red face in my hands. peter was never very verbal with compliments, so when he said something, he left me very flustered.

his hands grabbed my wrists, gently prying my hands away from my face. i looked up at him, holding eye contact. his eyes flickered down to my lips and then back up to my eyes.

his lips met mine in a sweet, long kiss. his hands rested on my waist as mine fell loosely around his neck. we both tried to get as impossibly close to each other as possible.

when the kiss ended, our breaths were heavy. peter rested his forehead against mine. "im so glad you're here. you make this insufferable place better." he whispered which left a smile on my face.

i lifted my forehead from his and pecked his lips once more before laying down on his bed. he laid next to me as i pulled the comforter over the both of us.

"can you read to me?" i asked, looking up at him. he smiled, grabbing the book on his night stand, "of course, my love." he said sweetly. the book was romeo and juliet. it somehow reminded me of us, just hopefully without the tragic ending.

i laid my head on his head, listening to his voice as he read the book. i sighed blissfully, finally somewhat content with my life.

as i felt myself drifting off into sleep peter paused his reading and kissed the top of my head. "goodnight y/n." he said, probably thinking i was asleep.

i didn't answer, as i was too exhausted to say anything.


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