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papa had trained me extra today, urging me to push myself to my limits. well, he had pushed past them by now and i was exhausted. i sighed, leaning back against the cold chair that i had been sitting in for the past few hours.

"05, you need to complete the rest of the training, you cannot give up." he scolded me, his eyes boring into my head. i grunted, moving myself up to look at him, "i cant papa." i muttered, ashamed of myself for admitting my weaknesses.

he clicked his tongue, looking at me with pure disgust. "well, you know what happens when you dont obey me 05." he warned. my eyes widening, my heartbeat quickly escalating. "no papa, im sorry. i just, cant." i begged, trying to save myself from the inevitable punishment i was to recieve.

he looked at me, forcing eye contact. his eyes were scanning mine to find some sort of weakness that he could use to make me continue. after a few seconds he sighed, beckoning over two unfamiliar orderlies, "very well 05, take her to the punishment room."

my throat tightened up, my mind was begging me to say something but my attempts to protest were fruitless. the two orderlies picked me up by my arms, dragging my limp and exhausted body out of the room and down the hallway.

i wanted to cry, i wanted to scream at them to stop, to kick and hit them. but i couldn't, so i just laid there. after what seemed about hours of nothing but the tireless dragging of my body, i heard a keycard swipe, opening the doors to the room i hated most.

the orderlies roughly threw me onto the floor, reaching over to grab something, a shock collar. my instincts kicked had kicked in by now and i scrambled up off the floor, running to the doors. but before i could even reach them, a rough hand grabbed my shoulder, shoving me against the wall.

"05, this is what you deserve." the male orderly said as he wrapped a strong hand around my throat, cutting off seemingly all of my air supply. i squirmed in his arms, scratching at his hands; attempting to pry them away from my neck.

my head soon felt heavy from the lack of oxygen i was receiving and i went limp, falling unconscious on the floor.

when i woke up, i was in my room. my vision was blurry but i still tried to sit up, only for pain to shoot through my body. i yelped, falling back onto my bed. i felt helpless, only until i heard a familiar voice coming from my door. "y/n." someone called.

i knew who it was, but my vision was too blurry to see all the way to my door. i tried to speak but my voice was no longer there, i moved my hands up to my throat, my eyes widening.

peter then came into my vision, "y/n, what happened to you?" he asked, sitting beside me. i tried to talk, this time my voice only coming out as a hoarse whisper, "papa punished me."

peter's eyes softened, his hands reaching for mine. "lift up my shirt." i said weakly. he shook his head, "what? why?" i sighed, knowing that the two orderlies had probably caused some damage to my torso. "just do it peter." i urged.

he reluctantly moved his hands to the hem of my shirt, slowly peeling it up, revealing bruises and cuts along my upper torso. my eyes welled up in tears, i was shocked. nothing like this had ever happened to me before.

"y/n, what did you do?" peter asked catiously. i looked up at him, my eyes glassy, "papa pushed me too far today. i told him i couldn't do it anymore." the more i spoke, the weaker my voice became and the more my throat hurt.

peter noticed, moving my shirt back down and shushing me, "its okay. dont talk. im right here." he replied, gingerly laying down next to me. i moved my head to rest on his chest, elicitating a horrible pain from my neck. i groaned softly, closing my eyes.

"its okay y/n. just go to sleep. you'll be okay when you wake up." peter said softly, moving my hair away from my brusied and bloodied face. he kissed the top of my head, whispering an incoherant setence before i fell asleep out of pure exhaustion.


peter ballard x fem!reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now