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i was sitting in the nurse's office after testing that day. 'papa' had made us use our minds to throw each other across the room, and out of our circles. this left me with a cut lip and a bruised body.

i kept the ice pack on my abdomen, as that was were i hurt most. the nurse had stepped out of the office to attend to another child, so i was here all alone.

i fidgeted with the hems of my gown until the door swung open. i was expecting it to be the nurse, hence i was injured and she was supposed to be watching me, but it was peter.

"y/n," he said, rushing over to the side of my bed. "are you okay? what hurts?" he continued, his eyes clouded over with nothing but concern for me at the moment. i laughed softly, causing me to grimace.

my ribs were sore, and i had found out laughing hurt them even more after the nurse told a corny joke. "i'm okay peter, just a little beaten up." i said as he put his hand ontop of my own.

he sighed in relief, sitting back in the chair he had dragged over to the side of my bed. "okay, good." he said, tilting his head back over the top of the chair.

i bit my lip, not being able to ignore the warmth swelling in my stomach. peter and i hadn't gotten together in a while, and my body was aching to be touched.

oblivious to him, i sqirmed in the bed, squeezing my thighs together. he lifted his head back up, looking over to me again. "y/n, are you okay?" he asked, leaning closer to where i was laying.

i nodded my head, not being able to speak at the fear my voice would waver and i would be found out. i hated when peter knew he had this effect on me, it made me feel like there was a power difference between the two of us.

my breathing got heavier as peter's eyes scanned my body. when he looked back up to my face, i leaned over and smashed my lips against his, not being able to hold myself back.

his hands immediately found my waist, squeezing lightly and elicitating a quiet gasp from me. he climbed over the bed, not breaking the kiss.

he wasted no time in throwing his shirt off and beginning to unbuckle his trousers. i did the same, quickly slipping over the plain gown that i had to wear every day.

"we have to be quick, the nurse could back any second." i said, embarrassment flooding my mind at the thought of being caught. "okay, but she wont be back for a bit, some kid passed out in the rainbow room." he said, now only in his boxers.

i bit my lip, pulling him back into me for a kiss. the kiss was intense, and i was struggling to keep up. when he pulled away, he began to take off his boxers, and then slid my panties off as well.

his lips met my left breast, kissing and leaving marks all over. his hand guided his already erected cock near my entrance. "are you okay with this?" he asked, despite already knowing the answer.

i nodded my head, already eager for him. he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look him in his eyes, "i need words, sweetheart." my lips parted, a soft moan escaping. "yes." i said desperately.

as soon as those words left my lips, he thrusted into me, making me moan loudly. his hand came up to my mouth, covering it. "we can't be too loud, darling. we don't want people hearing us." he said, slowly moving his cock in and out of me.

i nodded, soft moans escaping my lips. he kept his hand over my mouth as he thrusted into me again, starting to fuck me at a relentless pace. my arms wrapped around his back, my nails digging into his skin.

"oh, god. peter, please!" i moaned out, throwing my head back onto the pillow. a groan escaped from his lips, "i love how you say my name." he said, leaning closer to my ear.

he kissed down my neck, still thrusting into me at a harsh pace. "fuck, y/n. you feel so good." he moaned, his voice sending nice vibrations through my body.

his hand found it's way down to my clit, rubbing fast circles around it. "peter, please. oh my god!" i moaned, not being able to take all the pleasure. the knot in my stomach became tight, ready to burst. "im so close, please don't stop." i begged, moaning directly into his ear.

he continued to kiss and suck on my neck, no doubt leaving marks. when i felt the knot come undone, i almost screamed out in pleasure. peter continued fucking me, chasing his high.

warm liquid coursed through my body, the only word being able to leave my lips was his name. peter slowly pulled out of me, collasping beside me.

"thank you." i said, glad he was here. he smiled, kissing my lips sweetly. "you're welcome." he replied, carressing my cheek. "now we better clean up before the nurse comes back." he said, standing up.

i nodded, throwing my gown over my head. "bye peter." i said, waving to him. "goodbye, love." he replied, out of the room after putting back on his clothes.

a/n: IM BAAAAAACK!!! how was this??

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