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cw: panic attack! please don't read if u will be triggered🤍

papa had taken me into private training again today. this time, he told me we would be trying something new; the deprivation tank. as he said that, my body went cold. i had never been a fan of dark places, hence why the small lamp in my room was always on.

papa took my hand, leading me out of the room and into the hallway. we silently walked down the halls, until papa spoke, "once we get there, i'm going to hand you a suit. you are to change then immediately come back to the room where i will be waiting for you."

i nodded, "okay." my voice shook, i was extremely nervous. he stopped walking, pulling me aside and bending down to face me, "listen 05, there's nothing to be afraid of. you'll be okay." he said calmly. although i wasn't very fond of him, his words made me feel a bit better.

we continued walking for a bit, turning corners until we got to a set of double doors. papa opened one and held it for me. i muttered a quiet 'thank you' as i walked inside. my eyes were met with a big tank, way bigger than anything i had ever seen before.

although i was nervous, i couldn't hide my curiosity as i stepped closer. papa came up behind me, suit in hand, "here 05, dr ellis will take you to change now." i nodded, taking the suit into my hands.

dr ellis was nice. she was probably my favourite staff member here, besides peter of course. as she walked across the room to me, i waved to her. she returned the gesture with a warm smile, offering her hand to me.

by the time i had changed and dr ellis had taken me back to papa, i was shaking. when papa opened the top of the tank, i realized just how dark it was. "it's alright honey, you're gonna be okay." dr ellis said, patting my head.

as i was walking up the steps to get into the tank, a flash of blonde hair caught my eye. peter was there, standing over by the double doors. his face caught a light blush as he waved at me. i waved back, right before papa led me into the tank.

with the help of papa, i slowly got in. the water was cold. before papa shut the top he gave me a smile and a thumbs up. as the top closed, i was left in the dark.

thankfully, before i started to panic, screens on the top of the tank began replaying a memory. i couldn't make out which memory it was, i didnt know why.

i did just as papa said, focusing myself into the moment. and just as soon as i closed my eyes, i opened them again, now in the old memory.

i was sitting on the floor, maybe in a hospital room. some other little girl was beside me, i couldn't tell who it was due to the fact that she didn't have a number yet.

i looked down at my wrist, my eyes widening. i didn't have a number either. my eyes watered, this memory must've been before i got taken. 'why did papa want me to relive it?'

when i started to adapt to my surroundings, two people started yelling; a man and a woman. one screamed, "where is my child?!" and then the other, "give us back our baby!"

a nurse busted into the room, scooping me up in her arms. she quickly ran out of the room and went the opposite ways of the deseperate screams. the screams got louder and i peered over the woman's shoulder.

the screaming couple was following us, tears flowing down their cheeks, "y/n! my baby! give us back our baby!" the woman yelled. 'was that my mother?'

the man sped up, grabbing the nurse's wrist and spinning us around, "give us back our child, or i swear to god there will be problems." he seethed, eyes filled with anger.

i reached out towards him, and before he could grab me, two strong men took him into their arms, tranquilizing him. he went limp, my mother's screams echoed throughout the building, but soon enough; they stopped aswell.

tears were flowing freely down my cheeks as the nurse began running down the halls again.
'was this what happened when i got taken away?'

i needed to get out of here. i focused my mind on waking up, and soon enough; i was met with the cold feeling of water surrounding me.

i was hyperventilating by the time papa opened the top of the tank, pulling me out. my face was wet with tears and sobs wracked my body. i didn't understand. why did papa show me this?

when he understood what was happening, he called over an orderly to take me to my room. i was feeling extremely light headed from the minimal amount of oxygen i was taking in, so soon enough i was passed out.

i awoke back in my bed, my head in someone's lap. i sat up abrutly, the memory of the tank experiment rushed though my mind like a blizzard, tears soon spilling from my already red eyes. i realized the person under me was peter, his eyes filled with concern, "y/n! breathe!" he yelled, grabbing my face in his hands.

i couldn't breathe. i couldn't speak. i couldn't think. the only memory filling my brain was the last memory i had with my parents. pained sobs escaped my lips as peter pulled me into his chest. he shushed me, "its okay. you're okay." i was a wreck, but peter just held me.

after about ten minutes, my breathing calmed and my sobs just turned into silent tears. i pulled myself away from peter, looking into his eyes. my eyes were red and puffy, hot tears still running down my cheeks. he gingerly put his hands on my face, wiping off the new tears once they fell.

"it's okay y/n. im here. i'm not leaving." he whispered, kissing my forehead and pulling me into his chest once again.

a/n: currently recovering from surgery, so i decided to write a long chapter. hope u liked it🤍

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