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my head was pounding, i had been training with papa for about two hours now. he wanted to expand my powers vastly, he thought one day i could become one of the most powerful patients he has ever helped.

i needed a break. i felt faint and my hands were shaking. the last task i had today was to locate an orderly and to tell papa what they were doing. "05, i need you to find peter ballard and infrom me on what he's doing."

i nodded, a feeling in my lower stomach developing at the mention of peter. as i covered my eyes with the dark blindfold, i focused hard and soon enough i was in a hallway.

my mind was telling me peter was around, possibly in the storage closet to my left. 'what would he be doing in there' i pondered for a moment, but still went to check anyway.

as i opened the door, i was suprised by what i saw. peter was standing in the corner, his back facing me. heavy breathing and soft groans could be heard. i had a sly feeling i knew what he could be doing in here now.

i walked closer to him, the cold feeling of the floor on my bare feet gave me the illusion that i was actually there with peter. as i walked closer, i could make out some of the words peter was mumbling, one of which was my name.

the thought of peter getting off to just the mere memory of me was enough to make my breathing speed up as a familiar feeling settled deeper in my lower stomach. peter then tilted his head back, revealing the line of sweat that was forming on his brow.

i could tell he was close by the way his moans sounded. through this illusion i could hear papa's voice calling out my name. i snapped back to reality, my eyes wandering over to the machine that read off my brain waves. they were going crazy, signalling i had seen something that sparked some sort of emotion.

"what did you see 05?" papa inquired, taking out his clipboard. i stared at him, attempting to catch my breath, "he, he was cleaning." i lied. papa nodded his head, seemingly buying my lie; for now. "cleaning where?" he asked, looking down at his notes.

i took a breath, "in the rainbow room." papa looked up, smiling at me, "good job 05! this was your last test for today. you are excused to your room." i sighed, rubbing my temples. "thank you papa." i muttered as i stood up.

as i walked down the hallway, i saw peter turning the corner to the hall where my room was. i wondered if he was going to find me. i followed him towards my room, i was going there anyway.

he stopped and stood infront of my door, knocking three times. "looking for me?" i asked with amusment. after what i just saw, i was in the mood to tease him about it.

his face flushed red, "yes actually." i walked closer to my room, looking up at him, "i just finished training with papa." i said slyly, opening the door to my room and beckoning him inside. "how was it?" he asked with suspicion in his voice.

"it was alright, although i quite enjoyed the last task i had to do." i teased as i faced him. he quirked a brow, "and what was that?" i strolled closer to him, "i had to locate an orderly and tell papa exactly what they were doing." his face became a deep red as he cleared him throat, "who," he tugged at his collar, "who did you have to find?"

i smiled up at him, not breaking eye contact until i leaned closer to his ear; whispering, "you." his breath hitched, "do you wanna know what was so exciting about it?" i pulled back, looking into his eyes once again.

he groaned, pushing me back against one of the walls in my room. he began to kiss me intensely, making me moan slightly. "i saw you peter." i said through kisses, moving my hand down his body. he whimpered as my hand palmed him through his pants. "i didn't know i had such of an effect on you."

he moaned as i pressed down harder, "you do." he said quietly. i smirked, "what was that?" he was frustrated, "please y/n." i removed my hand and grabbed his face. "please what?" i teased.

"please help me." he struggled to say. i smiled, looking into his eyes, "its almost lunch, i don't think we have time." i said, sliding away from him. i opened the door to my bedroom, ignoring peter's sexual frustration. "come on!" i yelled as i strolled out my door.

a/n: i have the perfect part two for this. hope u enjoyed lovelies:)


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