too weak

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this is sad btw.

i was laying awake in my bed. it was past my curfew here at the lab, but nobody would know i was awake if i just stayed in my room. the cameras were rarely on in my room, im guessing that's because papa wants me to know that he trusts me. although, i'm always extra careful about what i say and do when the cameras are on.

there were many reasons as to why i couldn't sleep, one being that i hadn't seen peter all day.
i wondered if maybe he had lost interest, or maybe papa hurt him. all the thoughts that i had were negative, i wasn't a very positive person. i sighed, closing my eyes for the up-tenth time tonight, hoping that i could finally sleep.

after a few moments of silence, a knock came from my door. i sat up, confused who would be knocking at such an hour. still, i got up to answer it.

when i opened it, i was immediately embraced in a pair of strong, warm arms; peter's. the door shut behind us as we stood in silence, just enjoying each other's embrace.

"peter," i spoke up, breaking the silence, "what are you doing here this late?" my voice was muffled, due to the face that my face was pressed snuggly into his chest.

he slightly loosened his arms, allowing me to look up at him. his eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were stained with dry tears. i frowned, "peter, love. come sit down." i said carefully, leading him to my bed.

i sat down and he sat next to me in silence. i grabbed his hand, speaking up once again, "what happened?" i said softly, rubbing my fingers along his knuckles, then i noticed his hands were shaking.

i took a deep breath, trying to hold back tears. i hated seeing peter like this, he was such a wholesome person and he deserved nothing but love. before i could speak again he said, "im too weak."

i furrowed my brows, looking over at him, "what do you mean?" i asked, trying to get him to look at me. his breathing was a bit unsteady and his eyes were welled up with tears that were threatening to fall.

he looked over to me, a single tear falling down his beautiful face. "papa," he winced as he said his name. he hated having to call him papa. "he wanted me to punish a child today."

my chest tightened, "who?" i asked, slightly scared for the answer. he took a breath, another tear cascading down his face, "one of the younger children. he told me," he paused, trying to steady his breathing.

"hey, its okay. take your time, my love." i said, trying to sooth his nerves. he whimpered, "he told me that they had threw a fit during lessons today." i nodded my head, leaning slightly closer to him.

"and he wanted me to use the shock collar," he spoke softly, "and, i couldn't." he cried, burrying his face into my chest, letting out heart breaking sobs.

"i couldn't do it." he sobbed, "so, so they made me watch as another orderly did it." a single tear fell down my face, i couldn't tell if it was because of peter's state, or the poor child who had to endure the same things all of us had to at one point.

i combed through his hair with my fingers, "its alright love, you're okay. im here." i said, trying to calm him down. thankfully, his breathing slowed and his sobs turned into quiet cries, still muffled into my chest.

"im too weak y/n." he sobbed again, breaking my heart even more. i bit my lip, trying to hold my tears. "no, no you're not. you're just a good person peter." i soothed, my voice breaking near the end of the sentence.

peter's head shot up, noticing the sadness in my voice. "darling, please don't cry. please." he begged, wiping the still fresh tears off my face. his hands were rested on my cheeks as i sobbed, "im sorry. i just hate seeing you like this. it breaks my heart."

peter frowned, "im okay. youre okay. we're okay." he said, his warm hands still rested on my face. i laughed softly, "i love you." i said without thinking. i immediately froze, wondering how peter would react.

his face softened as a small smile spread onto his lips. "i love you too y/n. so much." he said, before meeting me in a sweet kiss. when i pulled away, it felt as if a huge weight had been taken off of me.

i sighed, "can you stay here tonight?" i begged, "please?" peter laughed softly, "of course, sweetheart." he said as he pulled my head onto his chest, wrapping one arm around my waist as his other rested on my shoulder.

"goodnight." i said softly, already feeling sleepy. "goodnight y/n." he replied, kissing the top of my head.

a/n: i love this chapter sm! this was so cute to write. also, there will probably be another chapter* tonight;)

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