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peter and i had been sharing glances across the room for the majority of dinner. when dinner was over, i could only imagine what was going to happen. my mind wandered on about the scenarios i could be experiencing in a mere few minutes.

papa's rough voice snapped me out of my thoughts, "all right children, dinner is over. please clean your plates and head to your rooms." i bit my lip, shakily picking up my plate and taking it over to the sink.

once i had finished washing and drying the plate and silverware i had used, i nearly ran out of the dining hall. my legs carried me swiftly down the halls, searching for peter.

when i couldn't find him, i headed to my room, knowing he would be in there by now. the closer i got to my room, the needier i got. i needed peter.

when i had finally gotten to my room, my thoughys had ran wild. i couldn't take it anymore. i hurridly opened my door, scrambling inside. "oh, in a rush now, are we darling?" a voice pulled my attention over to my bed.

peter sat neatly on my bed, "looking for me?" he spoke innocently, as if his eyes had been deceiving me at dinner. i bit my lip subconsciously, nodding my head.

peter chuckled, beckoning me over to him. i complied, strolling closer to him. when i was close enough to him, he roughly grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

he lips meshed with mine in a heated kiss; one that made both of us start to undress ourselves. i pulled my gown over my head, leaving myself more exposed than peter.

i blushed; even though i had been in this situation before, the feirce look peter gave me made me want to hide myself. he quickly noticed my self confidence declining, "you're beautiful
y/n. don't be ashamed." he smiled kindly, before meeting me in another kiss.

i pushed him down onto my bed, his head lightly hitting my pillows. as i asjusted my hips onto his own he groaned, harshlu grabbing my hips and guiding me down onto him again.

i moaned softly into the kiss, "peter," i whispered, pulling away shortly from the kiss. "i need you." he said. i rocked my hips back and forth, elicitating groans from peter.

i leaned down to his ear, "you have me." i replied softly, kissing his neck. with a sudden need for more, peter flipped me onto my back, climbing on top of me.

he started to undo his belt, which i took as a signal to undress myself further. i unclipped my bra, flinging it over the side of the bed. i slipped off my panties as peter started taking off his boxers.

he still had his belt in his hands, making me wonder what he was going to be using that for. before my mind could wander further, he climbed on top of me once again, pinning my arms above me head.

he took the belt, tightly fastening it around my wrists. he looked down at me, "is this alright, love?" i nodded, not being able to speak at the feaf of already moaning.

one of his hands remained on top of my bundled wrists as the other wandered down my body. i whimpered, needing this all to go my faster. "peter," i managed to say, "don't be a tease."

he lightly laughed and lined himself up with my entrance, "alright then, sweetheart." he replied, pecking my lips before roughly entering me.

i moaned out in some sort of pain but pleasure. though, the pain quickly subsided as peter started slowly thrusting into me. i whined from under him, needing more than what he was giving me.

"use you words." he demanded, his eyes boring into my own. i closed my eyes tight, "faster." i moaned out. and being the angel he was, he complied to my wishes, thrusting harshly into me.

our moans were synced, both of us climbing our highs. his free hand wandered my body, reminding me of the belt wrapped arounf my own. "y/n," he groaned out. "papa is going to be roaming the halls soon, so when you're close you need to tell me."

i nodded, not being able to form a coherent sentence due to the immense amount of pleasure i was enduring.

my moans got louder, signalling to peter that i was about to cum. the hand that he hand restraining my own hands has retracted, bring my own hands down to my face. "bite down on the belt, love." he commanded.

i complied, biting down on the belt. my moans were now somewhat supressed, which visually upset peter, but he was the one who wanted to be careful. i looked up at him, my eyes feigning innocence.

he looked down at me, groaning as his thrusts sped up. i was close, so i bit down harder on the belt. as i felt myself reaching my high, i squeezed my eyes shut.

i felt a warm feelinf explode in my body as i came, peter following. he continued thrusting into me, allowing the both of us to ride out our highs.

when we were done, peter collapsed next to me, pulling my head into his chest. "thank you." he muttered. i looked up at him, "for?" i questioned.

he paused, "for everything." he smiled, kissing me before moving my head back down onto his chest. "goodnight y/n." he said sweetly.

i sighed contently, "goodnight peter."

a/n: smut before bed anyone??

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