poor baby*

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i trailed down the hallways, my eyes scanning the passing doors; looking for someone's in particular. as i wandered closer to where i knew peter's room was, i began to walk faster.

i was eager to see him, i hadn't in a couple of days due to papa's intense training. when i got to his door, i could hear faint noises inside. peter's voice could faintly be heard through the door.
groans and pants, words of praise, and my name.

i bit my lip, contemplating if i should walk in. as a familair warmth settled in my stomach i decided to softly open the door and enter his room.

as soon as i stepped inside, peter's head shot up, a look alarm misted onto his beatiful face. as i walked closer to him, i noticed his slightly disheveled hair and sweat forming on his brow.

"do you need help, baby?" i cooed, approaching him. he threw his head onto his pillows, his hips bucking up. i shook my head, "i need you to use you words." i said as i sat on the side of his bed.

"yes." he said, his breath uneven. i laughed softly, my hand resting on his stomach. "with what?" i teased, moving my hand slowly up and down his body.

peter softly moaned, still not answering my question. "i heard you calling out my name. i'm suprised the mere thought of me could make you this worked up, poor baby." i cooed again as peter's face scrunched up.

"please," he whined out, "please touch me." a small smirk formed on my face as i moved my hand lower, nearing his erection. the closer i got to his hard cock, the more noisy he got.

right before my hand reached his erection, i pulled it away. but before peter could complain, i got down off of the bed and onto my knees. peter sat up, now sitting on the edge of the bed.

i took my hand and wrapped it arounf his cock,  making peter groan. i pumped my hand up and down, slowly. i pulled it away once again, but quickly replaced it with my mouth.

i took almost all of it into my mouth, the tip hitting the back of my throat, making tears well up in my eyes. i looked up to peter, only to find him staring down at me.

when we made eye contact, i began to bob my head up and down at an excruciatingly slow pace, making peter scramble to wrap his hand in my hair, forcing my head down onto his cock.

i let him control the pace, only swirling my tongue around him as he moved my head up and down. "fuck, y/n." he groaned out, throwing his head back.

i sped up the pace, now in control. the noises peter made filled the room, only urging me to go faster. barely conherant words left his mouth, tangled and drawn out.

"y/n," he whined, "im so close." he moaned. i felt his cock hit the back of my throat again, accidently swallowinf around it. this made peter let out one of the most beatiful noises i had ever heard. "fuck! please, don't stop." he said, now desperate.

and i didn't, i continued to move my head fasted, repeatedly hitting the back of my throat. when i heard him let out a loud noise, a warm liquid filled my mouth. i swallowed it, taking his cock out of my mouth.

i looked up at peter, a mix of salvia and cum dripping down from my mouth. he reached down, his hand hooking under my chin to hold my face. he wiped it off my face, before sticking his finger in my mouth.

i took it, swirling my tongue around it and cleaning it. when he removed his thumb, i got up off my knees, meeting him in a sweet kiss. "i've got to get going now." i said, looking into his eyes. he looked slightly sad, almost like he expected me to stay.

but before i could feel guilty about it, i brushed my knees off and headed out of his room.

a/n: i'm lowkey kinda having writer's block.

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