not enough

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another sad oneshot cuz ive been really sad lately

today had been a rough day. papa had used me as an example toward everyone as to what a "failure" looked like. even though papa knew i was very powerful, i hadn't been doing well on my tests lately.

i had been feeling extremely tired and just overall drained. i rarely cracked a smile, only to eleven and occasionally towards peter. he had knew something was going on with me, but he hasn't had the time to ask.

as i lay in bed, wishing my time here could end, a single tear fell down my cheek. i felt pathetic, i wasn't usually an emotional person. but right now i felt extremely vunerable.

this only made me feel worse, resulting in my quiet tears to turn into sobs that were becoming muffled by my pillow. i cradled myself in my own arms, feeling more lonely than ever.

i continued to sob, until i felt a weight shift next to me. i peeked my head out of my pillow, quickly wiping the tears from my face. "hi peter." i said, trying to make my voice sound as stable as possible.

peter looked at me with a loving look in his eyes, "y/n, what's wrong?" he asked, putting a hand on the side of my face. i sat up and faced him, leaning into the loving touch.

i managed a weak smile, "nothing, i'm okay." i replied. he leaned closer to me, a sympathetic look in his eyes. "no, you're not okay, love. im here. tell me what's wrong." he said, carressing my face with his thumb.

my smile weakened as the tough facade i put up broke, leaving me a sobbing mess infront of peter. he quickly pulled me into his arms, rubbing small circles on my back.

"it's alright love, im here." he whispered, cradling me in his arms. i sobbed into his chest, mumbling an apology for wetting his shirt. he laughed softly, hooking a finger under my chin to make me face meet his.

"i saw what happened today." he said, making me feel even weaker. hot tears cascaded down my face. i bit my lip, trying to hold back sobs, "you, you did?" i asked, lowering my face to look at the sheets on my bed.

"yes. and i'm sorry that happened," he paused letting out a breath, "you're not weak darling, you're so strong. you didn't deserve that at all." he spoke, moving my face into his chest as i started sobbing once more.

he spoke quietly into my ear, telling me he was sorry and he loved me. my tears wouldn't cease, not even for peter. i leaned up, kissing him quickly.

he kissed back, my salty tears mixing into the kiss. he pulled away slowly, our breathing a bit heavier than normal. "here, let's lay down." he said, moving to lay down next to me.

i nodded, facing into his chest as he wrapped a strong arm around my waist. he kissed the top of my head, "listen to me, my love. you're such an amazing person and nobody tells you how much you're really needed. everyone here loves you, whether they show you or not." he said.

that calmed my tears and i mumbled an 'i love you' into his chest, quickly falling asleep.

a/n: sorry this was short and sad. ive been sad. but hopefully i can write another tonight, but if not then definitely tomorrow.

peter ballard x fem!reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now