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i laid on the bed provided by the lab, looking around at my barren room. i looked down at my fingernails, picking them had become a habit since i came here. i had nothing to do, as papa assigned a rest day today. closing my eyes, i slowly started to drift off into sleep; until someone frantically knocked on my door.

i huffed, sitting up in my bed and lazily walking to the door. i attempted to rub the sleep from my eyes as i opened the door. when i looked up peter was standing there with a smile on his face and a foreign look in his eyes.

"oh, hi peter. i was just about to," i was cut off by his lips smashing against mine. the kiss was sloppy and full of lust. the door slammed shut behind us as he pushed me against the wall, making me gasp.

peter took this opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth, elicitating a soft moan from me. he pulled away, both of us breathing heavily. "i'm sorry for just barging in. i just needed to see you."

the word needed lingered in my mind, he needed me right now. and i wanted nothing more than to please him. i looked up at him and subconsciously bit my lip. he softly groaned and kissed me again. this time i put my fingers to use, trying to unbutton the white collared shirt he was instructed to wear here at the lab.

his lips moved from my lips down to my jaw, peppering kissed down to my neck. he began to kiss and bite at my neck. his lips then began to attack my sweet spot, making me moan out his name quietly. he stopped, smirking against my neck.

he removed his face from my neck and looked down at me, "y/n," he breathed out, "i need you. right now." his eyes were clouded over with lust, my breath hitched.

i kissed him again as i led him over to my bed, laying down and pulling him ontop of me. the gown that each child wore here began to ride up, exposing my thighs to him. my hands went back to unbuttoning his shirt, this time successfully getting all the buttons undone. he shrugged off his shirt and i stared in awe. he was perfect. his toned body towered over mine, even on the bed.

he smirked again, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "why am i the only one without a shirt on?" i quickly began to peel the gown off of me. when it was pulled it over my head, i threw it over the side of my bed. peter's eyes slowly trailed down my almost nude body as he licked his lips.

he started at my collarbones and began kissing down my body as i let out small sounds, my breath getting heavier the further down he got. his strong arms reached behind my back to unclip my bra, which he did with ease. i arched my back to help him get it off, he then threw it over near my discarded gown.

he looked into my eyes, then to my chest. his lips then began to kiss and lick my left breast as he focused his hand on the other. i whimpered at the contact, feeling myself become more vulnerable towards him. he then did the same to the other breast, leaving marks along them.

he moved back up to my lips and pecked them before shuffling lower on the bed. he started kissing my stomach, making me sqirm. i needed him, just as much as he said he needed me. my breath got heavier and the noises i made escalated to louder ones the closer he got to the line of my panties.

he looked up at me, his eyes asking for permission to take them off. "please." i whispered, needing him now more than ever. he then slowly kissed my heat, still clothed by my panties. i whined, wanting him to just get it over with.

he then slowly moved my panties down my thighs, to my calfs, then off of me. he threw them over in the already growing pile of our clothing.

he began kissing up my left thigh, leaving me helpless and needy. "peter, please." i said while bucking my hips. he looked up at me, pushing my hips back down, "needy, aren't we?" he spoke in a low and slow voice. i whined again, he was teasing me.

he then, got up off the bed and began to unbuckle his belt. i sighed, knowing i would be relieved soon. his pants dropped to his ankles, and he kicked them over to the side. i slowly scaled his body with my eyes, eventually meeting the growing erection in his boxers.

he then took them off and his dick sprung out. i moaned softly, "please peter." he looked over to me. climing ontop of me once again. "please what?" i whimpered softly, my hands moving to his chest. "please fuck me."

a smirk grew on his face as he began to line himself up to my entrance. out breaths were heavy and our bodies were hot. "are you okay with this?" he asked, needing consent before starting. "yes, please just fuck me peter." i moaned out.

he began to enter me, my breath hitching. a spike of pain started in my lower stomach. i nodded my head, signalling him to keep going. by the time he was fit inside me, i felt like i needed a moment to ajust to his size. as the pain ceased and some sort of pleasure began, i moaned softly. he took this as a signal to start.

his thrusts were slow and steady at first, making a good pace. soft moans filled the room, "go faster." i managed to say. he looked up to me before speeding up his pace. my moans began to get louder as he groaned ontop of me. "god, you feel so good." he praised from above me. these words just made me need him more. i bucked my hips up against him, hitting a spot that elicitated a loud moan from me.

peter noticed and began to thrust fasted, constantly hitting that spot. my moans got louder and higher pitched as the knot inside my stomach grew, ready to burst. "peter, im gonna cum. please." he groaned, throwing his head back as he continued his fast pace. my hands gripped onto the sheets of my bed as i felt the knot in my stomach come undone. my moans became so loud i was worried someone might hear us.

heat rose in my body as peter came with me. i moaned out his name as he continued fucking me, allowing both of us to ride out our highs. by the time we were done, we were both exhausted. peter pulled out of me, collapsing on the bed to the side of me.

as out breaths slowed i softly laughed, turning my body to face him. "thank you." i spoke softly, my finger tracing circles on his chest. he laughed, pulling my head into his chest then kissing the top of my head. "goodnight y/n." he murmered. i was too exhausted to respond, so i just hummed before drifting off to sleep.

a/n: what do we think🤔😜

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