rainbow room

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i wiped the blood from my nose after defeating the last person i was against. papa had made us fight against each other today, i didn't like having to fight against my peers. although, i was winning.

as 02 stepped into the circle infront of me, i got a bit nervous. he was the last person i was to go against, but he was the strongest; way stronger than me. the only reason i had gotten this far was because of peter. he had given me some tips on channeling my emotions towards my powers the other night.

when one of the orderlies came toward me to wrap the white blindfold across my face they whispered, "good luck. remember what i taught you." i knew it was peter. i knew his voice and his touch like the back of my hand.

his small words of encouragement had given me a bit more confidence, hopefully enough to beat 02. as papa began the match, 02 quickly began to try to lift me off my feet and out of my circle. my feet skidded a little, but i planted them firmly on the ground.

while 02 was distracted by trying to figure out how to get me out of my circle, i took advantage of this moment and began to focus on moving him out of his circle. peters words echoed throughout my mind, "try to think of something that made you upset, mad even."

i thought about when i first woke up in this hell hole, young and scared. how papa tried to convince me he was my real father. i felt my powers grow a bit stronger, and soon enough i had lifted 02 off his feet and gently tossed him into the wall behind him. like i said, i didn't like to hurt others.

"well done 05!" papa exclaimed as i pulled off my blindfold, my eyes immediately scanning the room for peter. i found him looking at me with a proud smile on his face. i smiled back, proud of myself too.

"now that 05 has demonstrated her strengths and won the game, she will recieve; as promised, an hour of alone time in the rainbow room." i looked over to eleven, my only good friend here. she mouthed the words, "im proud of you."

i smiled kindly at her and she returned it. "peter, please take 05 to the rainbow room and accompany her through her time there." papa instructed. at the mention of peter, my smile grew wider. i was excited to be able to spend time with him.

he walked over to me, guiding me with his hand on the small of my back through the doors. when we got far enough away from the rest of the group, he took my hand and squeezed it three times. i didnt know what that meant but i smiled.

"you did really well in there y/n." he praised. i looked at out intertwined hands, "thank you." i smiled warmly at him. we walked in silence after that. it wasn't an uncomfortable silence though, it was just peaceful.

we soon entered the doors of the rainbow room, i was mentally exhausted from the strenuous game. i walked over to the couch, sitting over in the corner of the room. i pat the spot next to me. peter looked up to the corners of the room, checking to see if the cameras were on. they weren't.

he sat next to me, grabbing my face and pulling me into a sweet kiss. his hands snaked around my waist as i used my fingers to lightly play with his hair. after a few minutes, i pulled away. he rested his forehead against mine, "are you tired?" he asked kindly.

i nodded, my eyes becoming heavy. "we can lay here if you want. i'll wake you up before your time is over." i smiled gratefuly, "okay."

he layed down onto the couch, pulling me next to him. i rested my head on his chest. "thank you peter." i said sleepily. "for what?" he replied, looking down at me, only to find me drifting off into sleep.

he kissed the top of my head, "goodnight y/n."

a/n: short chapter but its sweet! ALSO THANK U ALL FOR 1k READS THATS INSANE

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