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a/n: HELLO!! IM BACK!! also for this story y/n isn't a patient at the lab, she's a co-worker of peter's. this was requested by @cozynyx

as i sat at the dinner table, i could feel peter's eyes burning into me from across the room. we usually sit together during meals, but today he had to watch all the children during dinner.

when one of my male co-workers started talking to me earlier, peter began monitoring him closely. throughout the dinner, he had slide closer to me; making me a bit uncomfortable but not to the point where i would do something about it.

i wasn't very close with any of the male co-workers here, due to peter's known jealousy, but today i thought it might be better if i were to make a few new friends.

when christopher, who i once only knew as the man who sat next to me, made a joke, i couldn't help but laugh. "you're so funny!" i exclaimed, my hand covering my mouth due to the fact that i was laughing hysterically. christopher only smiled at me and moved closer, making me regret ever saying that.

the more i said during dinner, the more intrigued he became in me. so, halfway through dinner, i excused myself to the bathroom. "excuse me, i'll be right back, i'm going to the restroom." i said, standing up from my place at the table and brushing off my skirt.

"i actually need to go as well, perfect timing." christopher said, smirking up at me. i sighed, generally accepting the fact that he would come either way.

as i trailed out the doors, christopher in tow, i could sense peter's eyes following me throughout the short walk to the doors. when i stepped outside the doors, christopher spoke up, "y/n?" he asked.

i internally groaned, but kept my composure. i turned around, smiling at him lightly, "yes?" i replied. he walked closer to me, which made me want to back away, but at the same time; that would be rude, wouldn't it?

he opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, someone pratically slammed open the doors. i backed away from christopher and peeked around his shoulder to see who it was, not that i didn't already know.

"y/n, dr brenner would like me to escort you to his office. he needs to talk to you, immediately." peter said with a stern tone. i smiled sympathetically at christopher, it wasn't like he knew there was anything going in between peter and i. "we'll continue this converstion tomorrow, okay?" i asked, before slowly walking toward the blonde male i loved.

"now, y/n." peter said, interuppting anything that christopher was going to say. i did a small wave to christopher before peter roughly grabbed my wrist, yanking me down the hallway. i yelped and attempted to pull away from the tight grip he had on my wrist, but with no avail.

"peter, slow down." i begged, barely keeping up with the fast pace he had set for the both of us. he didn't reply, or slow down.

when we entered the hallway where the orderlies slept, peter spoke up, "what was that y/n?" he said, still a stern tone in his voice. i scoffed, "i don't understand what your problem is." i replied, rolling my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

then, peter abruptly pushed me against the wall, a strong hand wrapped around my throat. "you know very well what my problem is. you probably even liked having that guy all over you." he berated, his hand leaving my throat as he continued to walk down the hallway.

when he got to his door, i was still backed up against the wall, "and what if i did?" i replied, walking closer to him. he scoffed, raking a hand through his blonde hair, "he can't make you feel as good as i do." he said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into his room.

he roughly pushed me against the wall once again, this time his lips meant mine in a harsh kiss. his hands wandered my body, pulling on the hem of my shirt. "off." he mumbled against my lips, and i obeyed.

i was like putty, i molded at the tips of his fingers. no matter what he did or said to me, i'd always come back. whatever he wanted me to do, i'd do it.

his lips trailed from my jaw, to my neck, then down to the valley of my breasts, leaving marks in their wake.

soft moans and gasps fell from my parted lips as peter started kissing down my stomach, making it to the top of my white pencil skirt. peter paused for a moment, just looking at me in nothing but my bra and my skirt. "you know," he started, "this skirt drives me crazy." he said, getting up off of his knees and kissing my lips once again.

"just seeing you in it every day, makes me want to do things to you." he continued, leaning closer to my ear, "things that nobody else gets to do except for me." his hand wrapped around my throat once again. he chuckled lightly, moving his messy hair out of his face. "i mean, what were you thinking? a guy like christopher?" he spoke, malice clear in his voice.

i blinked, i wasn't going to do anything with christopher. "peter, i wasn't going to do anything with him." i struggled to say, due to his strong hand wrapped around my throat.

he laughed again, but not humourusly, "oh, you weren't? that explains so much." he sternly spoke as he took his hand off my throat. he fixed his hair, buttoned up the last few buttons on his shirt, then left. he just left.

and i was alone, in peter's room. feeling guilty over nothing.

a/n: dont worry ladies, there will be a part two;)

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