17: Cale Thames

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Since Cale declared his decision, he priorities to spend more time with his friend and family (excluding Deruth, since he is busy) they had fun together and made great memories like going around the county with him. Cale and his cousins are founding a group in the county like the Shadow Count faction to keep their territory safe known to people, it was a propaganda at first (to make a smokescreen because Cale's influence in underworld is getting powerful, making him recognizable) but many citizens wanted to join when Cale thought they could hire some people to make the territory safer and made some jobs for the citizens, money isnt a problem since the county is rich, there are intellegence unit which consists mostly by the children who are required to train as instructed to protect themselves (, and the defense unit to protect the order within the commoners because having commoners to keep the peace will take faster than the high status knights.

Cale told Alex the blueprint of the organisation, and Alex suggested to make the children and some elders of the organisation to take classes for vocational and academic purpose to increase their workforce and intellegent people in the county.

After finalizing the paperwork for the organisation the next step is its publication that requires the current Count's signature.

"Father, I have to tell you something" Cale knocks not giving any fuc*ing greetings of ettiquets

"Come in" Deruth replied unbothered.

As usual everytime Cale comes to this room there are always piles of papers to take notice and sign.

"How could I deal that for the rest of my life?" he said to himself

"Father, this is urgent, I made a proposal for the peace and well being of the citizens" Cale started to explane everything in the paper. The job is a bit easy because it is giving rights to citizens to fight for their rights and being low key spies for the lord of the county and their order and rules.

Cale knew how to make his father sign the papers, it is to emphasize the well being of the citizens of the county like a good count. He explained even the small detail how his proposal works which hangs Deruth's mouth wide open in amazement. After explaining Deruth looked at Cale, he saw Cale different from the last time he saw his child, before it's the indifferent cold child and now a  determined and fired up child, he lets out a chuckle which made Cale frown.

"Is there something wrong?" Cale asked in a bit annoyed tone. 'I'm being serious here, not playing, does he think I'm being delusional?'

Deruth lets out a fake cough

"Your proposed project is well made Cale, and it is benificial to our people, and youre amazing to think somethink like that, so when will you implement it? Getting people to work for that isnt easy the pay isnt that even a minimum wage"

"As I said, theyre only volunteers and shared information from them might help, the citizens would likely to help and we already did a test job for them and they passed"

"Might help from what?" Deruth asked, he is confident and confused

"I caught a wind of it, from our borders, a civil war might rise from the Whipper Kingdom, and some Kingdoms are acting suspiciosly silent near us, our fishermen are getting frightened whenever they are sailing for some of them mysteriously got missing, many reports of missing people from other territory as well near the shore and coast area, there are still more suspicious movements around us" Cale recited

Deruth felt a shiver on his spine. It is a dead give way of danger.

"Youre right, we have to act too, make this to be implemented immediately" he said and stamped the paper Cale gave.

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