Chapter 1

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Light filtered into the room, as the girl slowly woke up, grumbling to herself that she forgot to close her blinds again, and was, again woken up before her liking. With a sigh she sat up, running a hand over face and enjoying the quiet sounds of her studio apartment. She swung her legs out of bed, pulling her h/c hair into a messy bun atop her head and shuffling into the kitchen. Her hair, sweatpants, and t shirt weren't very traditional for 1963 but since she lived alone, she figured it wasn't the end of the world. If she looked the part as soon as her feet went out the front door.

y/n put on the coffee pot and leaned her back against the counter with her arms folded watching the pot. As she was pouring the coffee into the cup, she tensed as she heard the footsteps stop outside of her door. With quiet breaths she quietly moved towards the door, coffee in hand holding her breath. When she heard the three rapid knocks, she muttered a quiet "Shit"


When Hazel had stuffed the piece of paper into his hands with strict instructions to find y/n before he was murdered, Five thought he was crazy. Nobody had seen y/n in years, including him. In fact, he wasn't at the commission long before she just "vanished" granted, nobody just vanishes, but no assassin was able to find her. Her long list of assassinations put her just below him in ranking. Hazel promised that y/n would be able to help him stop this impending apocalypse, as she owes Hazel a debt.

Five had his doubts as he stared at the door, the 12C glaring back at him. With a sigh, he raised his hand and quickly knocked three times. The door opened almost instantly. What he wasn't expecting was a y/h/c haired girl around his age peeking out at him. He was about to question if he had the right apartment, but her attire caught his attention quickly. Not something women in the 60's wore. He realized he must have been analyzing her for too long because she was soon scowling.

"Can I help you?" She quietly snarled at him, he assumed to not draw attention to herself. He went with his first option

"Hi, I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group and I was wondering-"she cut him off quickly

"Sorry, No." and with that the door was once again shut-in front of him. The 12C staring at him mockingly. He was 0-2 with that line today. With a heavy sigh, he spacial jumped himself into her apartment.


First POV (It Jumps around at fist, but should be a consistent pov from here on out)

I jumped slightly when I heard a slight whooshing sound from behind me. "Fuck me" I muttered and turned around with my arms crossed.

The boy was standing there with his hands in his pockets, unmoving but staring at me again. Seriously, did I have something on my face? Dried toothpaste, drool?

I crossed my arms defensively in front of me, getting ready to run, or worse, fight my way out of the situation. "If you're from the commission, you can politely go tell your employers that I will not be returning, and they can fuck right off" I spat out at him. He raised his hands up defensively. 

"I'm not here courtesy of the commission, I can promise you that." He said while beginning to wander around my living room space. 

"Where's your briefcase?" I asked as I analyzed him walking around my apartment, I lost sight of him once he turned the corner into my kitchen.

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