Oblivion Part One

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I stumbled out of the passageway, still holding onto Sloane. Who had stopped sobbing, but tears were still leaking out, just slowly. I kept my arm around her for comfort.

"Let's never do that again." Viktor breathed out while stopping in the room we were in.

"What, narrowly escape the apocalypse?" Five remarks, sarcasm dripping in his tone.

"It's kind of our thing, isn't it?" Diego piped up, while walking around the room, checking it out.

"There is something very wrong about that" I remarked, unwrapping myself from Sloane and stepping further into the room.

"Same suite" Lila told Ben as he hit the tail on the ass of a white buffalo. "Just ass backwards"

"No hyperbole there" Five stated.

"This is some hardcore Alice in Wonderland shit." He scoffed, his eyes flicking over to mine. I raised a brow. Alice in Wonderland was my favorite book when I was 10, and to my knowledge Ben never read it, but he liked to tease me about it. I snapped out of my thoughts as Reginald ran out of the tunnel, slamming the door shut behind him and leaning against it.

"At last" He breathed, "The other side" I cocked my head at him, taking a quick mental count of the room.

"Wait" Viktor stopped him "Where's Klaus" I narrowed my eyes at Reginald, something wasn't right.

"I'm sorry, but he... I did all I could, but he didn't make it through in time. The Kugelblitz has claimed its last victim."

"Bullshit"' Reginald snapped his head over to me. "He was right behind me when I entered the tunnel. I saw him." Reginald straightened up and gave me a look that used to send a chill down my spine, when I was 12. But I'm not 12 anymore.

"We need to go back" Sloane spoke up, but her voice was softer, and had more of a distant edge to it.

"There's nothing to go back to" He made eye contact with me one more time before looking at the others and exiting the room. "There will be time for tears later. Right now, we have to keep moving."

"Wait, Luther and Klaus?"

A sudden sadness washed over the room, I could hear the irregular heartbeats of everyone as they tried to comprehend the loss of their siblings, lover, and friend. I know my heartbeat sounded similar, and my blood was rushing angrily through my body, much like it was angrily flowing through Five's.

As we all piled into the elevator, an overwhelming silence took over, causing me to feel suffocated. I went from almost utter silence, to constant noise, and now back to silence. Even as the doors opened, everyone rushed out quietly. I stood on the top steps, walking down slowly. I could hear the grumbling of something not human, it was resting. Unaware we were here.

"It's magnificent" Reginald looked around in awe.

"You guys should've stayed here." Ben glanced around, speaking to Diego and Lila. "This place is way nicer"

"Lila and I barely got out alive last time. Remember?" Diego shot back. I sighed and finished walking down the steps.

"Whatever is here, it's sleeping. It doesn't recognize that we have arrived" I stated to the group, them turning to look at me. "It's breathing seems almost regulated"

They turned back around and I watched them bickering over the bell. I could hear the grumbling of whatever the hell was here, before its breathing evened back out. I sighed before finishing my steps toward, coming to stand with the group.

"Does anyone know what that sign says?" Viktor pointed towards the sign.

"Do not ring the bell" I murmured, Diego speaking louder over me, repeating what I had just said, but since he had already been here, I'm sure he already knew that so I didn't take it to heart. "Does anybody know what we do now?"

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