Chapter 3

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"You are a great disappointment, and if you do not learn to control your emotions and listen to those in command, all you will do is hurt this family. "

"You can't leave me, I won't allow you to leave me"

I woke up, clutching my head and gasping for breath. Five was sitting across from me, holding a tissue to his neck and Lila was bent over Diego working on what appeared to be a stab wound.

"Oh, he isn't dead" Five commented as he noticed Diego's chest rising and falling.

"Disappointed?" Lila asked, barely looking up as she continued to work on the wound. I swung my legs off of the couch and rubbed my eyes.

"To see you? Always." Five retorted to her. He gave me a small smile as I stood up. Coffee, need coffee. I worked my way into the kitchen and grabbed a cup, I frowned when I finally took notice of the cut on Five's neck. I grabbed the first aid kit off of the kitchen counter and made my way back towards Five.

I sat on the coffee table in front of Five, swatting his hand away when he protested. I dug through the kit and pulled out an alcohol pad, starting to gently clean the wound.

"Did you cut yourself shaving? I could teach you how to do it properly, you know" Lila briefly looked up from her work to give us a grin. I glared at her briefly before turning back to Five.

"What happened?" I asked after a few moments of silence had settled over the room. Five jumped and flicked his eyes to me.

"Just ran into an old friend..." He muttered and looked away. I stared at him for a moment before humming and finding the right size bandage for his wound.

"Some friend if they did this to you" I mused. He shrugged in response as I put the bandage on his neck.

"My fault, I startled them." I looked back up at his eyes that were peering down at me. I smirked and sat up straighter.

"Is that the only time I'll hear you say something is your fault?" I asked and stood up, moving to put the supplies away. I grabbed another cup of coffee and made my way back towards Five, holding the cup out towards him.

"Probably" He sat back and took the cup I offered. "What's your full name?" He suddenly asked, I jumped and analyzed him for a moment.

"y/f/n y/l/n" I responded, sitting back down and curling my legs under me. I could tell that the way I woke up this morning startled Five, and I could see him watching me, analyzing me.

"We got one!" Elliot shouted from his desk area, causing both Five and I to jump, breaking our gazes from each other. We both got up and moved towards Elliot

"Which one?" Five asked, with me leaning over his shoulder.

"The uh atmospheric radar" Elliot replied. "Good, that's good" Five muttered, standing up straighter. I stared at the screen a moment longer before turning towards Five.

"I don't get it, what are you tracking?" I asked

"Sound waves" He answered and stepped away from the machine, turning to face me. I cocked an eyebrow up, but looked down and noticed his open hand. I sighed and placed my hand in his, preparing.

The world spun for a minute before my feet touched soft ground. I opened my eyes and looked around in confusion.

"Is there a reason we're in a cornfield?" I asked

"Is there a reason you brought your coffee?" He shot back. I looked down and noticed the cup in my hand.

"Damn, I forgot to put it down," I muttered, clutching the handle. Five walked closer, yanking the cup out of my hand and tossing it somewhere behind him. "The hell Five?" I whined.

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