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I clutched Sloane's body to mine, looking up slightly as an older guy walked closer to Jayme and Alphonso. He stared down at them sadly.

My head turned to the revolving door when Klaus finally walked his way in. "Oh man. Heavens to Betsy. What did you do?" He stopped in front of Alphonso and Jayme "Did Viktor go full Carrie again?"

"We didn't do this" I turned my head back down towards Sloane, softly moving the hair out of her face as my tears slowed.

"Harlan" I heard Viktor move towards the old man. Harlan... Why does that name sound familiar?

"Sloane" I whispered again, moving her hair away, "Are you alright?" I ask, as she slowly comes to, sitting up slowly. She looks towards Alphonso and Jayme, looking at me like she had seen a ghost before standing up quickly. "Sloane, it's alright." She took off running down the hallway.

"We've got a live one Luther!" Diego shouted, as he and Luther took off running after her.

"Wait, you, guys!" I shouted after them, my voice hoarse from all the shouting and sobbing.

I trailed after them, running into the bathroom where Sloane was. I pushed past Diego and Allison, running up to Sloane. She looked at me, back at the three siblings before pulling me close and hugging me. I wrapped my arms around her torso, more tears leaking out.

"I heard a rumor" Allison directed towards Sloane. "Woah Allison, hey" Luther walked towards her. I turned my head slightly, glaring at Allison.

"That you're going to tell me the truth," Allison finished. Sloane shakes as Allison's power invades her. I clutched Sloane tighter, hoping to let her know that I was right here with her. Sloane shook as she tried to fight Allison's power.

"Allison!" I yelled at her, as Luther pulled her away shouting at her. I looked up at Sloane, whose nose had started to pour blood.

"Would you just get out of here?" I muttered towards Diego. Luther tells him to leave.

"Going to tell me what to do?"

"Diego, please" I whispered softly. He looked at me softly, before Allison screamed, telling us to leave.

"They don't leave your sight," Allison pointed towards Sloane and me. I glared at Allison. The once sweet, motherly Allison was not the same, and the fact that she considered me an enemy, was concerning.

I trailed after Luther and Sloane, finally getting back to our bedroom. I sat down on a chair and watched as Sloane took the ice pack from Luther glaring at him. She flicked her eyes towards me, her features softening gently.

"I hate your family" Sloane finally spoke up after a moment. I looked up from playing with my fingers to see her staring at me, but I knew the comment was directed towards Luther.

"Were you a part of it?" She asked again, but I knew this one was directed towards me.

"Of what?" I asked her, standing up.

"Ambushing us with Superman's grandpa"

"Sloane, you knew I was not a part of it, I may not like anyone in the household besides you, but you should know I would never, ever lead my family to a slaughter. No matter what torture they threw at me, I was always loyal, and I always had everyone's backs"

"That was the past, it was a long time ago..." She muttered, not making eye contact with me.

"Whatever, Sloane, I'm out of here" I whispered, wiping the tears off my cheeks away and storming towards the door.

"Wait, y/n" I did not listen as I slammed the door behind me.

I stepped out of the hotel front doors, breathing heavily in the night air. I needed to get away, I needed to get out. I needed to run.

October 2005

As the clock struck midnight, signifying it was officially October 1st, I grabbed my duffel bag and gently tossed it to the ground below. I tightened the backpack straps and went to move towards the window when my door creaked open.

I turned around to see Sloane standing there with a watery smile, and a little paper gift bag clutched in her hands.

"I don't want you to get hungry" She handed me the bag. I took it from her with a soft smile, setting it on the bed before pulling her into a hug.

"I won't be gone forever" I whispered as she softly cried into my hair.

"I know, but I can't imagine this house without you" I pulled away from her and rested my hands on her shoulders.

"I need to leave Sloane; I need to get away from it all. Especially him." Sloane nodded and smoothed my hair down.

"I'm proud of you, promise me you'll be safe?"

"Always" I smiled at her, grabbing the backpack, hearing the heavy footsteps of Ben walking the halls above us.

As I made my way towards the window, she stopped me.

"Happy Birthday y/n"

"Happy Birthday Sloane" She nodded and turned my light off before shutting the door softly.

As I dropped to the ground and picked up my duffle bag, I smiled, this was the first step to making my life mine.

If only I knew what was waiting for me on the other side of all of this. I would not have ever left my house that night. 

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