Seven Bells

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A/N: I reference a song at the end, and I do not own the song! Also Warning!! There is descriptions of blood in this chapter, but It's poorly written because I suck at describing things lol.

I woke up with my head pounding and my mouth feeling like somebody had made me eat twenty tissues. I closed my eyes just as quickly as I had opened them, groaning, I rolled to the right, which was the wrong move, since I was not in a bed but on a counter and I went tumbling to the ground with the plates beneath me.

"Shhh" I heard from another spot in the kitchen, slowly looking up I noticed Five sitting up and rubbing at his head.

"You shush" I muttered back, trying to be sassy. Five just glared down at me. "You still have your bowl of shrimp?" I asked, wincing as he looked down and tossed it to the side. He slid off of the counter, sauntering over to me, grabbing my forearm and helping me stand up. He reached towards my head, plucking a fork out of it.

I followed Five out of the kitchen and towards our room upstairs so we could both change. I flopped onto the bed, throwing my arm over my eyes so Five could change first. "Do you remember anything about last night?" He asked.

"Very little" I took my arm off my eyes looking at the bottom of the top bunk. "Who was dad talking to?" I asked before sitting up. Five looked up at me, slipping on his shoes again.

"That's a good question," Five muttered. "What do you think he meant by it?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't put much trust into him" I pondered, switching Five spots. I waited for him to cover his eyes before quickly stepping out of my dress and turning towards my duffel bag.

"Did you ever trust dad?"

"Touche" I responded, slipping my t-shirt over my head. I turned back around to see Five sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees. I started walking towards the door, hearing Five following after me. I made my way outside and plopped down with my legs dangling over the edge of the world, five sitting next to me. I heard footsteps approaching us and I scoffed, standing up.

"Alright, Five. I'm out. Find me later?" I ask while walking backwards. Five nodded, seeing Reginald walking towards him. I gave him a slight head nod before going back inside and slipping into the kitchen to find coffee.

I heard Five jump himself into the kitchen and I held a cup of coffee out for him, finishing putting sugar in mine before turning towards him. He was staring down at his coffee with furrowed brows. I raised a brow, watching him. I took a sip of coffee, watching Five shake his head before taking a sip and linking our hands together, walking back into the lobby where everyone else was sitting. I flushed a bright red when they started cheering.

"Woo! Five and y/n!"

"There they are!"

"That speech last night you guys! Wow!"

"Brought me to tears, you big softy"

"I especially liked when you referred to us as a family bound in destiny and love Five"

"And then you proceeded to profess your undying love for y/n!"

"Oh god" I threw my head back laughing, "Okay, enough. It was the booze talking. In the light of day, you're all still deplorable" Five said, unlinking our hands and sitting down. I had stopped laughing and was in the process of wiping the tears away from my eyes.

"Okay, rude" I said, sticking my tongue out at him and going to move to a different seat. Five grabbed my wrist, pulling me down to sit next to him, letting my legs sit on his lap as he rubbed his thumb over my ankle.

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