Chapter 5

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When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I noticed was the absence of another person next to me. I was almost convinced it was a dream, if Five's blazer wasn't currently sitting on the dresser. I swung my legs out of bed and got dressed quickly before making my way into the kitchen. Leaning on the doorway, I noticed Luther sitting at the table shoving an ungodly amount of eggs into his mouth.

"Yeah, well at least he didn't shank my ass"

"Nah bro, he shanked your heart" Diego replied and I snorted. Five gave a quick smile before thrusting a cup of coffee towards me. "Good morning"

"Morning" I gave him a small smile, and went further into the kitchen, hoisting myself onto the counter and letting my legs dangle.

"Is that Five's blazer?" Diego asked, noticing the article of clothing I had pulled around my shoulders.

"Hey, i didn't expect to be so cold, and I didn't pack a jacket"

"It's fine, it looks better on her anyways" Everyone in the room froze, not expecting that to come out of Five. I cleared my throat and waved towards Elliot who had made his way into the room.

"Is that my bathrobe?" Elliot asked Luther, who at least had the decency to look guilty about it. "...No" I giggled and Luther shot me a glare.

"I thought you were irrelevant?" Luther waved his hand towards me as he went back to eating his eggs.

"Hey!" Diego, Five, and I all shouted at him. I turned and gave Diego a bright smile for coming to my defense, and he just raised his mug towards me. Luther cringed slightly, but made no move to apologize. I huffed and crossed my arms.

"Anyways" Diego spoke up, getting their previous conversation back on track "I don't understand, they keep following me"

"Wait, who is following you?" Luther asked

"Those Dutch sociopaths"

"Swedish" Five and I responded at the same time. Diego and Luther shared a look while Five turned back to Diego, slightly shaking his head.

"Why doesn't Five just do his thing and uh, time travel us out?" Elliot spoke up. Five sighed before topping off mine and his coffee cups.

"Anyone care to explain?" Five stuck a hand in his pocket

"I am actually curious about this as well, I only know small bits and pieces." I spoke up after nobody moved to explain the situation.

"The first time he tried he got stuck in the apocalypse"

"Second time, he ended up without hair on his balls"

"The last time, I scattered my family across three years in Dallas, Possibly triggering another doomsday. "Any more questions Elliot?" Five turned towards poor Elliot, who looked so lost. I turned back towards Diego who was back on his rant about JFK. Honestly, does this man ever take a minute to think about consequences?

"Hey" I whistled, getting their attention. "I think you guys only have one option at this point" They all turned towards me

"And what's that?" Five asked

"I think it's about damn time ya'll call a family meeting" I crossed my arms and leaned my back against the counter. "The three of you are not getting very much done"

"Oh hell yeah! Family meeting!" Diego cheered. I rolled my eyes, deciding I need to eat, I turned slightly, grabbing an apple, before turning back towards the boys. As Diego and Luther left to go fetch their siblings, I smiled at Five.

He was pacing in front of me, hands in his pockets. He finally came to a stop in front of me, his cheeks flushing red. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

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