Chapter 7

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Five and I landed in the parking lot of a small lodge, and it wasn't what I was expecting. Five barely spared me a glance before he was off and moving towards the front door. I sighed and trudged behind him.

"Look, pal" I spat at him, grabbing the sleeve of his blazer. "I get that you're upset I left a few things out about me, but I'm not going to lie. It wasn't any of your business. Whether I have powers or not, shouldn't matter. I agreed to help you, and by doing so, I got put back on that psycho bitches radar." I took a deep breath, "So in any sense of the matter, I am here to help you. Once we get back to 2019, I will disappear. Poof. Gone" Five stared at me for a moment and then nodded. I let go of his hand. "Great, let's go commit mass murder"

Walking into the lobby, we looked around for a second before Five stepped up to the counter.

"Excuse me?" He called out to the woman. I raised a brow and looked at him. That was the nicest I have ever heard him speak to a stranger.

"Uff da!" You snuck up on me there" She smiled at us "If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put them out until 3:00" The blonde continued to smile sweetly at us.

"I can hardly wait" I plastered a smile on my face, my dripping with a honey sweet southern accent. "Do you happen to know where the midwestern soybean society is meeting?" I clasped my hands in front of me, still smiling. Now it was Five's turn to stare at me incredulous.

"Sure do. Muskellunge Banquet Room. You two are looking for your mom?" I didn't bother with the response. I started walking down the hall, knowing Five would catch up eventually. Once I made it to the correct hallway, I turned around to see Five standing in front of a vending machine. I watched as his selected candy was about to fall, but it froze and the bar got stuck.

I watched amused as Five began to press the buttons again, checking the dispenser, and pushed the machine a few times. My eyes widened as he began to physically assault the machine. "Stupid mother Fudge Nutter!" He yelled as he pounded at the machine. Other candy bars fell, but not his precious Fudge Nutter. With a final yell, he kicked at the glass breaking it. He stared at it for a moment and then walked away.

"What the hell..." I muttered to myself. I was so confused, all that work and he didn't even take the candy bar. I looked at him and back at the machine before grabbing it. I unwrapped the candy bar and took a bite. My breath slightly hitched as he slid his finger through a cake and licked the frosting off his finger. Definitely not the time.

He grabbed an emergency ax off of the wall before turning towards me. "Are you ready" I nodded and walked over to the table, propping my leg up on the table. I slid the leg of the capri up past my calf and slipped out the two knives I had secured there.

"Diego?" He asked, I nodded "He won't notice them missing" Five seemed content with my answer.

"Let's go, darling" I whispered, leaning towards his ear, dragging out the darling. We both stepped into the room, Five's hands gripping onto the Ax. The knives were placed securely in my hands.

AJ gasped when he saw us. "You! Call security" Five blinked towards the woman reaching for the phone, severing her arm, she immediately slumped over. Five turned and gave me a creepy smile before turning to face the rest of the room. I twisted the knife so I was holding it sideways, turning to face the right side of the table assisting five in the slaughter. I glanced behind me and watched as Five took a large sip of water before tossing the cup behind him and nodding. We switched places, I took a twisting leap and landed gracefully on my feet. I stuck the knife into a man's jugular, before quickly pulling it out and spinning, doing the same to a man behind me. Moving towards the next target, my cream colored pants turned a dark red, and I'm sure my face looks as bad as Fives.

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