Wedding At The End Of The World

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I had stepped away from Five, letting him dance around with his siblings. I was leaning on the balcony looking down at them with a smile on my face. I felt a presence next to me, and the smell of an expensive cologne.

"Hi" I said quietly, turning my head slightly to see Ben leaning on the railing next to me. Ben turned his head towards me and gave me an awkward smile. It honestly looked like his stomach hurt, but I know that it's just Ben. Real genuine smiles are rare.

"Hey" He said, sipping on another glass of champagne. "Look, about what I said earlier, I meant it. I feel like we've lost too much"

"I agree" I whispered, turning to start walking around upstairs, knowing Ben would follow. "I think that we can start as acquaintances. Does not mean I will be the nicest to you, you've put me through a lot of shit Ben-er-ino" Ben walked next to me silently.

"I know that growing up here wasn't easy, and I should have never let dad try and do those experiments."

I shrugged, pondering what to say next. He was right, he should have stepped in. When I was younger, and my father informed me that Ben would be the person I would spend the rest of my life with, Ben had promised to protect me. Ben had promised to fight every demon I encountered. At one point, I really did love Ben with everything I had.

"Well, as much as the Umbrella's think you can change the past, you really can't. Once something is done it's done" Is what I finally responded with.

"Do you think that we could have been something had everything just stayed the same?"

I pondered again. What would my life have been like? Would the Umbrella's still have shown up in my life? I do believe in fate, and that everything happens for a reason. "Maybe, I can't be sure. I know the decisions I made were based on what happened to me, but it's hard to say if I would do it again." I looked down at Five laughing and trying to do the Floss with Diego.

"Every second of our life is important, Ben, every second leads to another memory. Another thing we will remember until the end of our life." I took a breath as we stopped at the top of the stairs. "I am sorry for walking out without saying anything, and I am only partly sorry I made you set part of the house on fire"

"Hey, it was a new power, and you were angry" He nudged my shoulder and I smiled softly at him.

"Thanks for this Ben." I gestured between us "I appreciate the talk" He nodded as I started to walk down the stairs. At the bottom I spared him one last glance, before turning my head and beginning my search for Five.

"Five?" I called out as the ground beneath me rumbled. Uh oh. "Five!" I called out again, suddenly being pulled out of the way as a piece of the ceiling came down.

"We have to get out!" I heard Viktor shouting as Five jumped me into the foyer.

"Wait! Ben!" I looked around, not seeing him.

"Go with them, I'll meet you outside!" Five shouted over the cracking and rumbling of the house. I nodded and latched onto Viktors arm as we ran from the academy. I turned around and watched as the Kugelblitz destroyed my home, swallowing the buildings next to it.

I turned to my left to see Ben and Five sitting on the sidewalk. I ran over and put my hands on both of their shoulders. "Are you both alright?" They looked at me and nodded.


We made it back to the hotel, and I had flopped on a chair, laying on it sideways so my legs were dangling off the arms of the chair. I leaned back and groaned, watching upside down as buildings were slowly getting sucked into the ball of lightning that had somehow broken free, taking Christopher and Fei with it. I only had Ben and Sloane left. What an odd twist of fate. I was stuck at the end of the world with my Ex, my new boyfriend, and a sister who may or may not hate me.

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