Oblivion Part Two

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A/N: This chapter does have mentions and a slight description of blood.

As we made it out of the elevator and into the lobby, my eyes landed on someone who I certainly was not expecting to be seeing ever again. "Klaus!" I gasped and ran over to him, throwing my arms around him and hugging him tightly. He hummed and hugged me back just as tight, as If I would disappear on him.

"I'm glad someone has missed me" He muttered. I pulled away when everyone else had started to gather around us.

"You look like hell," Viktor commented towards us.

"Why don't you try killing a guardian" Five replied, not even having the energy to be sarcastic

"We just did?" Viktor sounded confused, "So did we" Ben chimed in.

"Klaus, I thought you were dead" Sloane piped up, bringing our attention back to Klaus.

"Yes, yes. I'm alive and amazing. Despite Dad's attempts to bash my brains in"

"Dad did what?" I raised my eyebrow, leaning towards Diego. "Oh he could have totally killed the president" I whispered. Diego gave me a look to say 'see?'

"Tearful reunions later, what you guys need to know right now is that Dad killed Luther" Klaus continued. I gasped and looked at the rest of the siblings. "And he looked me out of the tunnel, and he rang that stupid bell!" Klaus pointed towards the counter. Five looked over his shoulder before turning and walking towards Reginald.

"What's your plan old man?" Everyone followed after Five, but glancing behind me I noticed Allison holding back, guilt swimming across her features.

"You killed Luther!" Sloane walked closer to him, her voice cracking.

"I have no choice! You refused to come together as a team" Reginald responded making me scoff and roll my eyes.

"All of your stupid myths and stories. There were never seven bells or Norsemen!" I threw my arms out, gesturing towards all the other people. "You brought us here to die! Klaus and Luther did die!"

"That's not so. Somewhere in this hotel is the key to resetting the universe. We just need to find the sigil!" Reginald was pointing down at the book in his hand.

"I don't care about your sigil. None of us do!" I took a deep breath as Sloane and Diego started yelling at Dad. I turned my head and noticed Five swiftly walking away. I jogged up to him and started walking with him. "What are you doing?" I whispered. We got up to the balcony overlooking the downstairs, I started noticing the star pattern on the floor.

"We found the sigil!" I called out, the siblings turning to look at us. "It's on the-" Five gets cut off, the last guardian crashes through the ceiling, throwing a blade our way. Five pulled me out of the way, I opened my eyes as my back hit the floor to the sound of Five's screams. "Five!" I yelled, sitting up and crawling over to him, noticing he was armless. "Oh my god Five" I choked back my sobs as I tore off my sweatshirt, starting to rip it to tie around the bleeding.

Five sat up and leaned against the railing as I tied the cloth around his wound, pulling tightly, blood pooling onto the ground beneath us. "Hey" Five said as I shakily ripped another piece of cloth. "I'll be fine, you need to help them" He motioned his head downstairs. I stood up, peaking over the railing. "Luther" I breathed out, Five also looking down and seeing Luther. Luther threw the guardian behind him, effectively killing him. I looked down, noticing roaches crawling all over the floor.

"The Sigil is on the lobby floor! It's the stars!" Five called out, "It's the stars!" I added on, leaning over.

"Seven points, seven of us?" Viktor pointed out, standing on a star "We're the stars?"

"No, not you" Reginald stopped Allison from stepping on a star. I shared a look with Five as we started walking down the stairs, Five still holding his wounded arm. When we heard loud groaning, the guardian stood back up.

"Number Five, quickly" Five shared one last look at me, squeezing my hand with the one he had left before jumping himself over to the last star, an electrical light connecting all the stars and attaching itself to the seven on the stars. I stumbled back on the stairs horrified as the guardian fell to the ground, this time actually dying. I looked over at Allison as the beams connecting them went away, but what looked like a spotlight shined on each of the stairs, all of them shaking and gasping for breath as life was literally sucked out of them.

I walked closer to Allison, "What did you do!" I yelled at her, She winced, not saying anything but kept looking around almost as if she was just in a car accident and was in shock. The room shifted, looking computer generated as it washed out in gold. Electrical pulses going around the room. The electrical pulses got louder, causing me to groan and collapse to the floor, I gasped as it got louder and louder, I looked up as my body began sliding across the floor, Reginald pulling me towards his weird display thing. I tried to struggle out of his grasp. He was saying something to Allison, I could see their mouths moving, before she picked up the scythe slicing through Reginald.

I screamed as I felt as if my body was being tossed into a fire pit, electricity flowing through my veins. And then everything went a blinding bright white.

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