Chapter 6

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We followed Lila to an abandoned warehouse, watching as she broke the window, letting herself inside. He turned towards me and I nodded, letting him know I was right beside him. We quietly jogged up to the building and silently made our way inside. Lila turned around quickly to face us.

"What's your game, crazy lady?" Five asked with his hands in his pockets. I stood slightly behind him to the left, standing in a fight stance, fists in front of me, feet angled back, all the pressure on the balls of my feet.

"Who cares, you said if you saw me again, you'd kill me" Lila said with a smirk.

"Oh, we remember" I muttered, Lila shot me a glare.

"Well come on big talkers, let's get this done." Lila kicked Five to the ground when he lunged after her. I jogged after her as she took off down the hallway, she spun around, ready to fight me instead of Five.

"Let's dance" I said, jumping and kicking my right leg out, spinning mid air, I landed on both feet after she dodged the first kick. I spun my left leg out, connecting with her rib cage. She stumbled back a bit before I stepped forward and swung a right hook at her face. She leaned back missing my throw before swinging her fist at me, narrowly clipping my temple as I leaned back. I launched myself backwards into a back handspring. Every punch she threw I was able to block, since I could see them coming before she even knew what she was going to do.

"You're special aren't you?" She asked, while swinging at me. I shook my head, not knowing where Five was and not really in the mood for the conversation that would follow.

"Just really pissed off" I snarked back at her. I stepped forward and kicked her in the stomach, she gasped before grabbing a metal rod and swinging it at me. I dodged, just for her to disappear and swing the metal rod towards the back of my head. I wasn't quick enough for that one, and it still made contact on the side of my head. I fell forward gasping as stars danced in my vision. She swung the bat and it hit an electrical box, high pitched (not to a normal human) static sounded as sparks rained down. I held my hands over my ears, gasping. She looked behind me, to where I am assuming Five was standing. I rolled onto my hands and knees, spitting out the metallic taste of blood.

As I stood up, I shakily made my way towards where I last heard Five. He was standing on Lila, his foot on her throat, about to crush her windpipe.

"You can come out now" I heard heels clicking against the ground, and I groaned as I made my way closer to Five and Lila.

"Well done!" The handler stood in front of us, me trying to keep my gaze to the floor, staying behind Five. Whatever I am feeling towards Five be damned, I had managed to avoid this crazy for so long, and the fact that she was standing in front of us, makes me want to throw a few punches with Five myself. I was zoning out, when I heard the handler let out a (fake) gasp.

"Little Bird! It really is you" She smiled at me as I lifted my head. I glared at her and crossed my arms, stepping out from behind five and standing a few feet from him.

"That's not my name" I growled, hoping she would take a hint and not mention anything about my actual commission code name.

"Ah. Yes, y/n is it?" She asked, I slowly nodded my head. "Well, you certainly are good. I will give you that. How long has it been?"

"Not long enough," I muttered. She hummed and turned her attention towards Five.

"What do you want?" Five finally snapped after Lila had stomped off in a huff, throwing her temper tantrum.

"Do either of you like Jazz?" The handler asked. Jazz, as in the music? I furrowed my brows and glanced at Five, who's attention had not left the handler.

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