Meet The Family

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"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy"

"Wrong again. This is the Sparrow Academy" Reginald spoke again, the Sparrows standing on the second floor balcony, staring down at me with distaste. I can't blame them, I have been gone for a really long time.

"Dad" Ben started, still eyeing me, as I stood frozen to the floor, still in the middle of the two families. "Who the hell are these assholes?" I turned slightly and made eye contact with Five, who looked like he wanted to save me and murder me at the same time.

"...Ben" Luther stepped forward, and I winced, turning back to analyze my siblings standing on the landing. Sloane, being the only one that looked happy to see me back. All the other siblings looked like they also wanted me dead. What a lovely family reunion.

Their interaction made sense, I left and the rest of them thought they had the opportunity to take my spot. Growing up, I was always the favorite, Ben, Marcus and I were the 'dynamic trio' that couldn't be stopped. Mission after mission, I would be praised along with Ben and Marcus, while the other siblings got berated for things they did wrong. I was the golden child, and eventually when our father would pass away, it was stated that I would take over the household with Ben. I was their evil queen. Sloane was the only one that would listen to me rant and rave about my place, and how it was not what I wanted. I didn't want to be tied to Ben forever, I wanted out.

"And who are the weirdos on the balcony?" Diego shouted, startling me back to the present as I focused back onto the conversation happening.

"They are the Sparrows" I cleared my throat, finally speaking. "His children"

"Oh, so the prodigal daughter speaks" Jayme sneered down at me, I rolled my eyes before turning so I was facing both the sparrows and the umbrellas.

"I'm sorry" Five scoffed. "What do you mean your children? That's not possible, old man"

"Of course it is! I think I'd know, wouldn't i?"

Klaus sighed as my siblings all stomped their way down to the first floor. I backed up, stood in front of the Umbrella Academy. "Everybody else can see Ben right?"

"Cute hat, Sundance" Ben gave Klaus a menacing smile

"Don't talk to him like that" I snapped, Ben twisting his head towards me sharply. I held his gaze, daring him to talk back to me.

"They call themselves the Umbrella Academy, a group of scheming perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas." Reginald spoke up again watching the interaction between Ben and I. "Be warned, they claim to be my spawn"

Allison faced Five, "Five, what the hell is going on?"

Five made eye contact with me, squinting slightly "I don't know yet, but it is concerning"

"Is he telling the truth?" Marcus spoke up, glancing at me.

"Not the part about us being perfidious" Vanya spoke up "But we are his children, this is our house"

"Yeah" Luther agreed "We, uh... we grew up here"

"Yeah, we grew up here." Alphonso mocked him. I glared at him, which he just glared back at me. On my hate list, he fell right after Ben.

"I kind of think we would have noticed you" Sloane spoke up.

"Hi" Luther smiled, "I'm Luther" I rolled my eyes, noticing the blush lightly dusting sloanes cheeks. Interesting.

"Okay" Allison rolled her eyes, "None of you belong here"

"Oh! Well, then. I guess we'll just pack our bags and move out"

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