The End.... (?)

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Five got out of the elevator with his other siblings, walking out in a courtyard. "Luther?" He heard Viktor asked, as they all looked towards Luther, who was no longer big and bulky, but tall and skinny.

"Oh shit. You can see me?" He asked. "I'm alive? I'm alive!" Five noticed his arm was back on, his eyebrows furrowing at that possibility, could it really have been that easy.

"I think the old man did it, I think he reset the universe" Five muttered, Luther coming to stand in front of him. "Hey I don't care about any resets, all right? I want my wife back. Where is she, Five?" Luther grabbed at Five's collar.

"I'm glad you're alive, but take your hands off me." Five replied. "Not until you give me an answer." Five attempted to jump out of Luther's grasp but just stumbled in place.

"Something's wrong" Five stated, staring down at himself in disbelief.

"That's right, you're about to get your ass kicked" Luther growled down at him. Diego cheered it on.

"No you moron. My power. I can't blink" Five remarked as Luther slowly let him go.

Diego brought out one of his knives, attempting to spin it only to have it clatter to the ground. Everyone followed suit to find out their powers were not working, or no longer there.

"Wait, where's y/n?" Ben asked, looking around the group. Five stepped away, just as the elevator door dinged open. Five saw y/n step out, looking confused.

"y/n?" They all breathed a sigh of relief as she looked over at the group, slowly walking over. Five took a few extra steps wrapping her up in an embrace, excited to have her back in his arms. He put both hands on her cheeks smashing her lips to his. She pulled back quickly, pulling out of his arms.

And then she slapped him.

His head whipped to the side as the crack echoed throughout the courtyard. Everyone gasped as they stared at her.

"What the hell!" Five exclaimed looking back at her, she had wrapped her arms around herself defensively.

"Do you... Do you kiss all the girls you meet for the first time?" She finally asked, her voice soft. Five looked back and shared a look with his siblings and Ben.

"y/n... do you know who we are?" She raised an eyebrow, looking at each person before shaking her head.

She was silent for a moment and then she dropped her arms.

"I have never met any of you before in my life" 

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