World's Biggest Ball of Twine

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The next morning, I woke up alone, thankfully and had the entire bottom bunk to myself.

I rubbed my eyes to see Luther tying his shoes and stretching. "Are you going for a run?" I asked, he looked up at me and smiled before nodding.

"Would you like to join me?" He asked, I thought for a minute before nodding. "Great, I'll meet you down in the lobby"

"Be there in Five!" Luther cracked another smile before leaving the room. I quickly changed into my sports bra, tank top, and capri leggings, tying my sneakers again and slipping out of the room. I walked outside once I didn't see Luther in the lobby to see him out front stretching.

"Great! Are you ready?"

"Let's do this!"

Luther and I took off at a nice, but brisk pace, jogging into the park that we were at the day before. Making casual conversation to each other as we enjoyed the air. I heard a crow cawing and I glanced up to see it on top of the light post.

"Uh Luther" I commented, but he wasn't listening, just smiling and continuing on his run. "Luther!" I hissed trying to keep up with him and watch the birds at the same time.

I've hated crows since I was 4.

"Huh" He muttered, coming to a stop. I finally caught up to him, putting my hands on my knees and taking a breath.

"I tried to warn you" I spoke, standing up straight again, "We need to go"

"Shit!" Luther cursed as we began to run the other way. "Look out!" I shouted, but Luther had already collided with a pole. I skidded to a stop, trying to help him up when we were both stopped and turned midair.

"Hello there, strangers," Sloane spoke up. I groaned looking at Sloane, Ben, Fei, and Christopher floating behind them.

"Oh! Hey" Luther said and waved. I didn't grant them a reply. I just squinted my eyes at the group in front of us. Ben stepped forward, kicking Luther and knocking him out. Sloane throws both of us to the ground, causing the wind to be knocked out of me.

I gasped for air as the four of them stood (and floated) above us. "On your feet" Ben says, pulling my arm up and throwing me towards Sloane. I glared at him, as she grabbed my wrist gently.

I followed them, stomping my feet lightly as we made our way towards the academy. They put Luther and I into a room, giving me strict instructions to watch him until he wakes up, and then to take him to the training room.

"I don't take orders from you anymore!" I shouted as the door closed behind them. I paced around the infirmary room for a second before sighing and slumping down into a chair, tapping my foot angrily until Luther woke up.

Grace walked in a few seconds later, with a wet cloth, sitting down next to him and humming. Gently dabbing the washcloth on his face. I heard him grunt and leaned forward with my elbows on my knees.

"Mom?" He asked, coming to, his eyes slowly opening.

Grace giggled "Why do people keep calling me that?" Luther turned his head more and saw me sitting there, biting the skin on my nails, and bouncing my leg up and down.

"Where am I?" Luther asked me.

"The academy" I stood up and motioned for him to follow me. "Let's go" Luther quickly sat up. We left the room, hearing laughing and the sound of a blender whirring.

We stepped out from behind the curtain into the room.

"Ah! There they are!" Alphonso spoke up once he saw us. Sloane turned around to us with a smile on her face.

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