Auf Wiedersehen

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The next morning, I was trudging behind Five, a cup of coffee in my hands as we went to the white buffalo room. I stood leaning against the wall, my foot propped up against it to keep my balance when Lila stormed into the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lila shouted at Diego, "Stanley is gone! We need to face this!"

"Just check the chimney" Diego shouted back at her, while looking under a mattress.

"Stan is a big kid, he wouldn't be there" I muttered, Diego and Lila looked at me and I shrugged while taking a sip of my coffee. "He's been Kugelblitzed if I could guess"

"You're the one who brought him here!" Diego turned, pointing at Lila. I rolled my eyes as Five sighed and turned towards the arguing two.

"Congratulations. You're both mildly terrible parents." Five said "Can we focus? How did this thing open before?"

I tuned out their conversation, only partially listening as I walked around the room and inspected the paintings and artwork. I strolled around the room sipping my coffee when Five caught my eye and gestured with his head for me to come stand by them.

"Diego might be 90% moron and 10% pelvic thrusts, but he's right about Oblivion okay?" Lila looked between Five and I. "We're not just going to waltz back in there because you say so"

"Good" A voice behind us spoke, all of us turning our heads to see Luther and Sloane standing by the doorway. "Because you're coming with us"

"Where to?" I asked, already having an inkling of where.

"Sparrow Academy" Sloane spoke up, giving me a soft smile. I stared at her for a moment before turning my attention to Luther. I was still hurt after my last interaction with Sloane. I know that everybody grieves differently, and hers was just anger. But she hasn't made an effort to apologize or contact me since saying I would willingly kill my siblings.

"The worlds ending" Luther just shrugged at us "It's time we put our petty bullshit aside and work together on the Kugelblitz"

"Yeah? Or what?" Diego spoke up, sharing a look with Lila, Five and I.

"Or Stanley won't be the last of us to disappear" Lila answered him with a sigh.

"I'm getting really tired of these family reunions" I muttered as they all left the room, walking next to Five.

"Hey, it'll be fine. You got the Umbrella Academy on your side" I gave Five a soft smile, as we shuffled into the elevator. I leaned my head on his shoulder as the numbers counted down, a growing pit inside my stomach.


I opened the door and let everyone else follow me into the academy, making my way straight to the sitting room where other voices could be heard.

I passed my grace, who was holding out a plate of freshly baked cookies. She was glitching while smiling, one of her eyes was completely gone, just a dark hole with blue lights. I raised a brow and made my way to the couch, flopping on it. Five sat next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him, as his fingertips softly went up and down my arm.

"Welcome" Fei greeted as she walked into the room, Ben trailing behind her, his gaze snapping to Five and I. "Please make yourselves at home"

"Bitch, this is our home," Allison snapped at her, rolling her eyes. I shared a look with Five, before glancing back at Fei and Ben.

"Excuse me?" Fei turned towards Allison.

"Uh, Jellybean?" Luther offered up a bowl, cutting in.

"Oo, please. I love Jelly Beans" I spoke up, reaching for the bowl.

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