Chapter 11

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"I know that we can be your family. If you just let us" I blinked and looked around the barn, something felt different. I spared a glance at Five, who wasn't even near us anymore.

I watched in surprise as Five wrestled a gun out of the handler's hands, pointing it at her.

"It's true isn't it? What Five said?" Lila stepped closer to the Handler, questioning. "Answer me! Is it true?"

"Well..." The Handler began, but I jumped as shots rang out from behind her, hitting her in the back. She slowly fell to the floor. I gasped and raised a hand to my mouth, staring between Five and the Handler before moving my gaze and seeing one of the swedes standing behind her.

"The case!" Luther shouted, moving towards Lila.

"No!" Diego grabbed him before he could actually do anything, both of them falling to the ground as Lila disappeared in a flash. I sighed as I looked back towards the swede, deciding if I needed to fight, or flight.

"Enough" Five said, putting down his gun. The swede looked at Five, and then to all of us before returning the sentiment in Swedish. I took a deep breath, and went to move forward, my knees buckling. In a flash, Five was helping me stand as I took deep breaths.

"Vanya!" We heard Sissy calling, and we all took off to see what was going on. We kind of forgot Harlan and I feel bad. I stayed behind, standing outside the barn, letting the cool air calm my body temperature down. I looked up at the sky, as Five stood next to him.

"Harlan's okay, Vanya fixed him" I nodded to him, wrapping my arms around myself. "Can I ask you something?" I turned towards him and nodded, sitting on the step of the house.

"Do you want to try this dating thing?" He asked, I smiled softly looking back at the sky that was now a pretty pink.

"Yeah" I whispered, leaning my head on his shoulder "Let's give this dating thing a try" I could feel his smile as he placed his head on top of mine, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead.

Five and I sat there for another 10 minutes before him and Diego saw Herb and Dot standing in the field. They moved towards the two while I sat there. Klaus sat next to me and put his head on my shoulder. I patted his head and smiled at him.


"Everyone ready?" Five asked, looking at all of us. I nodded, looping my arm through his.

"Let's do it, yeah" Luther answered. Five looked at the briefcase, ready to open it before Klaus made us stop. He jogged over, grabbing a cowboy hat and putting it on his head. Soon a blue light surrounded us and when I opened my eyes, we were standing in the foyer of the academy.

"What day is it?" Luther asked, nervous.

"April 2nd, 2019. The day after the apocalypse" Five said, looking at a newspaper in front of us. I breathed a sigh of relief. Although the apocalypse didn't happen in my 2019, I was still glad to hear that it was over.

I leaned against Five, looking up at him with a large smile. He smiled back, brushing his lips over mine. I closed my eyes and went to kiss him again when Diego called out.

"Uh, why is there a painting of Ben and y/n over the fireplace?" My eyes widened and I took a step away from Five, quickly walking into the parlor. Oh no.

In the painting I was sitting in a chair, a stoic look painted on my face, with my knees together, pointing to the left while my body was facing straight ahead. Ben had his hand on my shoulder. I absolutely hated that painting. I closed my eyes.

"I knew you'd show up eventually" I winced as I heard that voice. I slowly turned around to see Reginald standing up from his chair.

"You're alive" I whispered, he glared at me.

"And why wouldn't I be?"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just happy that we're home and.. Together again" Luther corrected as I stood still, like I was stuck to the floor.

"Number Eight, get over here at once." The Umbrella academy family stared at me as I refused to look up. I lifted my eyes and glanced at the siblings I grew to love in Dallas. I only hope they can see the sorry in my eyes.

"This isn't your home" Reginald stated as I turned away from him, once he realized I wasn't going to move back by his side.

"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy" Allison was confused, and I couldn't blame her. I was hoping this part of my life would have been erased by coming back with the Umbrella Academy.

"Wrong again. This is the Sparrow Academy" I closed my eyes as I heard the footsteps coming from the railing on the second floor. I turned and looked at my original siblings.

"Dad?" I internally groaned "Who the hell are these assholes?" a new voice was heard in the room, and my gaze left the balcony to the person standing in front of us. Ben. His eyes flickered over all of their faces, landing on mine, his mouth nearly dropping open.

"y/n? Babe, come here" Ben walked closer to me. I didn't move, just stared at him like a deer in headlights.

"Babe?!" I heard the Umbrella Academy exclaim from behind me. Ben got close to me and grabbed my jaw in his hand, turning my head side to side and analyzing me. "You've been gone for so long" I tried to pull my face away from him, but he just held harder, looking at the siblings behind me. I held my hand out behind me as I heard Diego take a step forward, pulling out a knife. Ben finally let me go, taking a few steps away and standing back in his original position.

"Well Number Eight?" Reginald asked and I looked around.

".....shit" I muttered as I stood in between the two families. 

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