Kindest Cut

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I got back to the hotel just as the sun was peeking over the tops of the buildings. I had stopped at a diner where the news was reporting that billions of people had just started to vanish. It sent a chill through my body, and I knew that we needed to fix this as soon as possible. I had a slight inclination of what was going on, but hadn't had time to converse with Five regarding the matter.

"Sup?" I asked as I jogged up to where Luther, Viktor, Diego and Allison were all standing around.

"I was just telling them that-" Luther was cut off when a blue portal opened next to us, causing us all to jump and scatter as Lila and Five fell out of it. Them breaking a table they had landed on.

"Where have you been?" I asked, quickly running over to Five and helping him up.

"Facing my mortality y/n. I don't recommend it." Five just brushed me off, stumbling slightly. I cocked my head to the side and looked at him.

"Uh, what?" Five turned towards me, like he was going to explain before Allison cut in.

"You had the briefcase! We've been looking for this!" She yelled, clearly upset.

"Well, look no further. That's the last one on earth." Five stated. I whipped my head from Allison back to Five.

"Shit, really?" I ran a hand through my hair, lightly tugging on the ends. No briefcase means our option to fix the problem of disappearing items is dwindling.

I watched as Luther pulled Diego slightly to the side, them having a muffled conversation about Allison. My brain was running at a mile a minute, so I didn't listen to them as well as I could have.

"Hey, chatty cathys. Quit the chit chat alright?" Five made the talking motion with his hand "I'm calling a family meeting here. That includes y/n'' Five quickly snatched my wrist as I went to move up the stairs. I raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say anything more about it.

"Spit it out Five" Allison snapped as Diego took off running towards his kid. I backed up a little bit so everyone was looking at each other.

"Oh, well, since you asked so nicely, sister mine, our little paradox brought forth a freaking Kugelblitz"

I paled and turned towards Five, "Grandfather paradox?" I whispered and he nodded towards me. I sighed and sat on the step by Allison. Fantastic, this is the greatest thing ever, can't wait to handle this task.

"What the hell is a Kugelblitz?" Viktor asked. I put my head in my hands and groaned.

"Is it always an apocalypse with you people?!" I threw my hands up in the air.




We all had migrated to the bar where Five was pouring shots and drinks for everyone.

"So this Kugelblitz, it's..?" Viktor began, trying to understand.

"The end of everything. Every rock, every star, every atom sucked into a radiant black hole." I explained, resting my chin in my hand as I stared down at the bar.

"Randomly collapsing matter every moment in time across all existence till nothing is left" Lila added on.

"Hate to say I told you so, but.." Five started

"You love to say I told you so" I remarked, looking up at him briefly. He furrowed his brows at me, his mouth opening and closing to think of a reply. He finally shut his mouth, sliding a pink looking drink towards me. I gave him a small smile, sipping it through the straw. I coughed as the vodka burned my throat.

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