Chapter 10 part 2

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Pulling up to the farm that Vanya was a nanny at, my eyes widened. Gone was sunny Dallas. The farm had snow all over the ground, and a massive tornado hovering over the barn. Which from what I can recall from science lessons, was not normal. At all.

Once Vanya had cut the engine, we all piled out of the car and stood staring at the barn. I shivered as a gust of wind blew in front of us. I squinted and tilted my head to analyze the tornado as it cackled.

"You think whatever's going on inside is causing this cold front?" Diego asked as he took a few steps towards the barn. I glanced at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Well, switchboard god, apparently so" Diego turned back, shooting me a look. I made a zipping motion towards my lips, but still gave him a cheeky grin. Diego rolled his eyes and turned back towards the barn, where a blond woman came spriting out, pointing a rifle at us.

I got distracted as I watched the tornado, something didn't feel right about this situation. I glanced around the farm, and didn't see anything right away, but I couldn't see behind the house. I felt Five tugging my hand along and I looked back towards the farm as the family was already halfway to the barn. I took a few long steps to be in stride with Five.

Once Five and I made it into the barn, we saw Vanya trying to talk to Harlan through this power bubble he had created. I was glancing around at the other siblings, when I noticed Klaus walking towards a giant hole in the barn wall.

"Klaus, what are you doing?" I hissed at him and walked over to him, the last thing we needed was Klaus going AWOL. Once I saw what he was looking at, I groaned. Stupid Five Hargreeves and his band of misfits.

"Uh, guys" Klaus called and the rest of the siblings, minus Vanya, came to stand next to us. Five standing behind me, looking over my shoulder. Standing in a field was the Handler and next to her was Lila.

"Ah, shit" Diego muttered, upset. I slightly turned my body so I could pat his shoulder comfortingly.

"What? Who are they?" Klaus as he saw mine, Diego, and Fives' upset faces.

"One's the Handler, the other is Diego's girlfriend" Five explained.

"Lila. That's my ex-girlfriend"

"Aw, I was rooting for you guys" Five elbowed me and shook his head.

"Well, let's go see what they want" I trailed behind Diego and Five, not really sure if I should be a part of this conversation. At this point, the Handler probably wanted my head on a stick, and It would not be surprising if she threw me under the bus.

We stood in a line in front of them, Diego on one side of Five and I was on his other side.

"I love that smell of fresh country air, don't you darling?" The Handler spoke to her daughter without taking her eyes off of us. Lila was frowning at us, looking like she was ready to throw a tantrum.

"Makes me want to vomit" She muttered.

"What do you want?" Five asked, straight to the point.

"To watch you suffer" Lila answered and I scoffed. Good luck sis.

"What about me?" Diego asked, although I didn't think it was the appropriate time to bring it up.

"You're not even worth my wrath" I spared Diego a glance who looked dejected. Poor Diego.

"And you, anything you would like to say?" Lila asked, turning towards me. Oh, so this isn't just about the boys. I pondered for a moment, then shook my head no.

"I just think it's funny you haven't told anyone" Lila snapped at me, I whipped my head back towards her with a glare and took a step forward. "Sparrow" she spat at me. My fists clenched at my sides. "You should really ask to see her rib cage" Lila directed towards Five, Five looked at me with furrowed brows, but I just waved him off.

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