Chapter 9

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I was actually pretty pleased with how well the plan was going. Old Five and Luther were ahead of us, with Five and I trailing behind them. Everything was going smoothly... until the paranoia started to kick in and Five began muttering to himself. I increased my steps until I was a few feet in front of him.

When he began to yell at people on the street, I ducked my head as to not be associated with him. I was making a good lead on him, when I felt a sweaty arm wrap itself around my waist and I was jerked back against Five. My eyes widened as he shoved his lips against mine, his hand holding me by the side of my neck, forcing my head back towards him. I closed my eyes briefly before he let go, still keeping an arm around my waist. I looked up at him in shock, only to see him yelling at a boy across the street.

"Yeah, she's mine asshole! Keep walking!" I flushed a bright red and wiggled out of his grasp. I took a few quick steps away from Five and turned to face him, jabbing my finger against his chest.

"Five!" I whisper yelled at him, he looked down at me with a frown.

"He was hitting on you!" He yelled back, gesturing to where the boy had scurried off down the street.

"He was on the other side of the street! And regardless, I am not yours" I cross my arms and stare at him. He blinked at me twice before he laughed like a crazy person.

"Yeah, okay" He muttered and continued on his warpath of screaming at random people on the street. Where the hell was Luther?!

I finally spotted Luther making his way towards us, I stopped moving, crossing my arms and glaring at him.

"Hey, brother, y/n" He gave us an awkward smile "How are you doing?"

"Terribly" I snapped at him and gestured to the pacing and sweating Five. Five noticed us, and had appeared beside me, slipping his hand into the back pocket of my jeans. "Five!" I flushed bright red, but his attention was focused on Luther.

"He's gonna kill me, isn't he?" Five asked, I widened my eyes in shock. "If he does, then both Fives are getting murdered today.

"Pfft, what, him?" Luther gestured behind him towards Old Five "That's ridiculous" I choked on my spit.

"No way!" I whisper shouted at Luther, who cringed at my tone and recoiled.

"You're a terrible liar, Luther. You're a worse liar than you are a spotter." Five smirked at Luther, at least I think it was supposed to be a smirk, he looked like he couldn't decide on which emotion he was feeling, and landed on psycho. This smirk looked more cynical and... crazy.

"Yeah, you big ape. You left me alone with" I gestured wildly to Five'' "This!"

"Hey!" Five shouted at me. I turned towards him "I'm only stating facts here!"

"All right, both of you calm down" I sat on the steps as Luther and Five stood in front of me, arguing about the Old Five. I sighed and shook my head, going back to picking at my nails when Five yelled a sentence I never expected him to yell.

"I'M THE DADDY HERE!" He screamed at Luther. I choked on my spit and blinked rapidly, trying not to laugh as Luther tried apologizing to the people on the street around him. Five began moving again, passing me, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. He slid his hand into mine and I walked next to him quietly.

"You're hand is gross" I whispered at him

"Shut up y/n" Five muttered. I just grimaced at his sweaty hand and looked anywhere else.

"I admit" Five spoke up, running his free hand through his hair. "I may not be in my right frame of mind right now"

"No shit" I remarked

"Thank you!" Luther exclaimed

"But whatever i've got, he's got it too" Five whispered to both of us, and then swiftly turned on his heel walking faster, in turn tugging me behind him like I was a doll.

"You three quit grab-assing. We're here" The Old Five called out to us. Luther and I shared a look after I had freed my hand, jogging to catch up to Little Five.


"This is my favorite part. The calm before the storm." Old Five muttered, when suddenly all I heard was white noise. I groaned and clutched my head, my vision going blurry. I stumbled back a few steps and sat on the curb, shaking my head.

Once I got my vision back and the noise cleared, I noticed that Little Five was making a jump towards the briefcase. I jumped back up, stumbled a little bit because my balance was off and ignoring the pain in my head, I grabbed the back of Old Five's suit, aiming to grab his elbow, but he quickly used the elbow I was trying to grab and ram it into my nose. I yelped in pain and stumbled backwards. I looked towards Luther who was groaning and holding his crotch.

Old Five hit my head with the butt of his gun and the white noise came back, full force. I watched through blurry vision as Old Five was launched through the portal. The ringing in my ears growing in volume and black spots dancing around the edges of my vision.

"y/n!" Five and Luther shouted at me, I tried blocking out the sound, but the white noise got louder and louder, and suddenly, it all went black.


Five and Luther watched in concern as y/n went limp on the grass, the sounds of sirens, Diego standing on the grassy knoll, long forgotten as they stared down at the girl. As Luther went to grab her so they could go back to Elliots, she sat up gasping

"Ben," She whispered, clawing at the ground. Five and Luther shared a look as she passed out for the second time, Luther scooping her up quickly.

Five and Luther both continued sharing glances as they walked back to Elliots.

How did she know about their dead brother?

How did she know about Ben?

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