Pocket Full of Lightning

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After I had left the academy, I stopped at a dingy bar around the corner. I had a few drinks before checking the time, thinking that It would be best if I made my way back to the hotel. I was walking through the park when I noticed Luther ahead of me dancing through the park.

I watched as he picked up a rose from a vendor, before handing it to a random person.

"Sir!" The lady called after him, but he just continued skipping forward. I quickly jogged to the lady and gave her a few dollars.

"I'm sorry, my friend is just really happy today" I mumbled at her before jogging to find him again. He stopped in front of a pop-up shop, and I watched him from afar with my arms crossed. I cringed as I noticed the shop owner handed him a box of condoms.

Then it hit me, the only person he was with today was... oh ew gross. Sloane, why would you do that? I groaned and trudged up to him.

"If you hurt her, I will kill you" I said as I stood next to him. He jumped and squealed, looking down at me.


"Sloane. She is the only sibling I like, and If you hurt her, I will murder you in your sleep." I stated matter of factly. "I do know where you sleep" Luther eyed me and quickly shoved the condoms in his bag. I closed my eyes as the high-pitched sound covered the park, similar to the one I heard at the hotel. I groaned and put a hand to my head.

"Shit" Luther said and went to look at the store owner, who was no longer there. We shared a look, Luther looking at me with concern. "Uh" He motioned towards his own eyes "Your eyes are like rapidly changing colors" I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut again before opening them and blinking rapidly.

"Oh wait, now they're e/c" I nodded and turned on my heel, starting my walk towards the hotel. Something wasn't right, and I needed to find Five. And Fast.

"Luther!" I shouted, hearing him grab more condoms from the shelf. "Coming!" He shouted, quickly running to catch up to me.

We reached the Lobby and quickly jogged up to the pool tables where a few of the umbrella academy were.

"Little late for a meeting pal" Diego stated, once he saw Luther and I standing there.

"We were being held captive by the sparrows" Luther looked at their faces.

"I don't think they noticed we were gone" I muttered

"Wait, did none of you notice?" Luther asked them, they looked around at each other.

"Of course,"

"We're just happy you're home safe and sound."

I rolled my eyes and went to take a seat on a chair next to the pool table. "Did they hurt you?" Allison asked, looking at Luther and me.

"Who? The Sparrows?" Luther asked, "God, no. Not at all. Excellent hosts"

"Yeah, says the guy that got breakfast and a gift bag"

"Wait, they hurt y/n?" Diego asked, looking at me and then back to Luther angrily "What did they do to you?"

"Calm down, Diego. They did not hurt me physically, just emotionally, like usual" Diego stared at me for a moment longer before turning back towards Luther.

"What did they want?" Diego asked, whistling to get Luther's attention back.

"Ew, they made a soundtrack?" I muttered, walking over to peer over Allison's shoulder. "ugh" I shuddered, looking around. "Hey, where's Five?"

"Oh, went to talk to Lila"

"Lila's back?" I asked, shocked. Diego nodded his head towards the kid. I pursed my lips and nodded. "Right, well I'm off to find Five" I gave them a mock salute before walking towards the elevators.

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