Chapter 2

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I Sat at a bar stool, per Fives instructions. I was sipping on some fruity drink the bartender had made for me. I was glancing around my surroundings when I noticed a large man (Like breaking the threshold on above average) was standing next to Five. I blinked a few times to clear my head before leaning forward slightly and listening to their conversation. 

"Nice to see you too, Luther" ah, so big man must have been one of the Five siblings that he scattered across Dallas. I smirked and leaned back to watch. I listened as Five apologized for getting them stuck, reasoning with him. I was even getting convinced with Fives heartfelt speech until Luther stood up.

"I don't give a shit" Luther muttered, I raised my eyebrows and watched with vested interest as they came to a stop in front of me. I sipped on my drink and watched as Five looked like he was about to pop a vein in his forehead. 

"What is wrong with you Luther? I just told you the world's going to end in ten days!" Five stood in front of Luther, stopping him from moving, making both of them stop right in front of where I was sitting,  I was leaning back on the stool next to five, one arm propped against the counter, the other still holding the drink I was sipping on.

"Yeah, well you're always saying that" That makes my eyebrows raise. This family dynamic is very, very entertaining. Luther went to move again, but Five pushed him back.

"And so far, I've been right" Luther sighs again, my ears pick up the fact that he is 100% done with Fives bullshit. Which is not hard to achieve. I was watching the two siblings bicker like it was my favorite soap opera. Five glanced at me, I just gave him a slight smirk back and turned around to face the bar granting him his "privacy" he does not need to know I can hear a conversation going on all the way on the other side of the bar, clear as day.

"What is that like a masseuse or something?" I tuned back in and slightly turned my head to look at Luther. Raising an eyebrow. This guy was a masseuse? I turned around completely when Luther mentioned Jack Ruby.

"Like Jack Ruby? The gangster who shot Oswald?" I piped up, setting my drink on the counter. Luther glanced at me startled, and then back to Five.

"Who's the girl?"

"Irrelevant" I rolled my eyes, turning back around. Tuning out Five as I drummed my fingers annoyed on the counter. I could be at home right now, enjoying my magazines and tending to my flowers, but no. I am stuck in a dingy strip club, with a giant man fighting his teenage (mentally? I don't know) brother.

"I am asking for your help Luther"

"You don't need me, you have her" Luther motioned towards me, I waved my hand up as sort of a lazy hello and rested my chin in my hand, staring down into my drink. I felt Five sit down next to me, picking up the drink I had ordered him.

"Thanks" he muttered. I did not grant him a reply, still really peeved I was irrelevant. "Dad should have left him on the moon" he muttered, I turned towards him with a slight brow raised in question, but five was not even looking at me. He got up to move, and I went to follow. I heard fabric ripping and glanced at Five.

He was holding an orange box in his hand.

"What is that?" I asked, peeking over his shoulder. He turned his head slightly and jumped at how close my face was to his. "Do I make you nervous?" I giggled and took a step back as he turned to face me.

"I don't know what it is, but we're going to find out" Five grabbed my wrist and dragged my outside. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the feeling of my feet leaving the floor as he jumped us to a different location. 

When I opened my eyes again, I was standing on an upstairs balcony, a startled man was in front of us, a spoon halfway to his open mouth. I gave him a small wave, which he returned, still confused. 

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