Spoiler Alert: Muscle!

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English is underlined.

You battered the vegetables and shrimp carefully before dropping them in the boiling oil. You covered your face from the oil droplets that flew from the pot. You flipped the floating pieces of food with a ladle. 

Hot oil was always very scary to you. You used to see those people who could flip things in hot oil with just their hands, but now that you were working with oil it was very scary.

"Stop being a wuss," Aoi said absentmindedly as she cut up vegetables and put them in a large pot. She added a ton of spices and sauces to the pot as she mixed it around. It was crazy how skillful she is.

"I'm just scared I'll burn myself!" You yelped as a loud pop made you jump. This went on for a while as the two of you bickered and cooked. 

Aoi was obviously getting annoyed at the loud yells of the butterfly girls in the hallway as they played. With both your talking and the bustling of the estate, she was getting overwelled with the noises.

She just continued to work through it, not even listening to the noises of those around her. She just continued to cut up vegetables and meat, continuing the monotonous task that she repeats almost every day of her life.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked as you looked at Aoi in concern. You had already finished your task, putting all the food under a cloth to keep the heat in. When she didn't answer immediately, you put a hand on her shoulder and asked again, "Are you spacing out or something?"

Aoi yelped loudly as she jumped, making her cut one of the vegetables at an awkward angle. She gave you a sharp glare that made you cower in fear.

"Don't scare me like that!" She yelled at you in anger as she slammed her knife down, "I could've cut myself!"

"I already called you once! It's not my fault you weren't paying attention!" You yelled in retaliation and crossed your arms, "I finished frying, so what do I do now."

Aoi glared at you before sighing, "I already finished my food, just let me finish cutting these vegtables up and I'll have the girls start plating the food..."

"Okay..." You said while looking at her a bit worried, "Are you okay? You seem out of it..."

"I'm fine, Owl," She said with a hint of humor and a smile, "Go get the girls for me."

"Okay..." You said before backing up and walking to the door, "Talk to me if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you..."

"I told you I'm fine already," She glared at the vegetables she was cutting, "Now go get the girls, they'll teach you the portions and stuff."

You let out a little sigh before walking out of the kitchen and looking around the halls. The three butterfly girls were usually running around the halls deliverying medicine and food, but they also sometimes sit outside in the garden playing.

You quietly walke down the hall while peeking into rooms once in awhile. The girls were alwasy very sneaky and hard to find, so looking for them was always a chore. You felt like they needed a bell on them from how many times they scared you.

You were about to turn a corner when your face smacked into a wall, causing you to fall to the floor and cradle your nose. Since you were going fast, your nose started to bleed and tears pricked your eyes.

"Oww..." You said as you slowly looked up at the supposed wall, but there stood Genya in all his glory!

Genya simply looked down at you with a hard stare, a bit of coloring on his cheeks. He was very muscly, and you can see why you mistaked him for a wall at first.

You quickly stood up before reaching your hand out with a smile as you tried to get him to shake you hand. He simply looked at your hand before you sighed and grab his hand from his side.

"I Y/n!" You said with broken japanese and a smile, "Who you are!"

"Y/n?" Genya said while trying to take his hand away from you, "I'm Genya, are you foriegn or something?"

You nodded quickly with a smile while saying, "Genya! Us friends!"

"Umm... okay?" He said before remebering what you just said to him, "Wait what? Why would I be your friend?"

You sulked before looking at him with puppy dog eyes as you gripped his hand with both of your hands. You frowned and forced tears to your eyes and you practiaclly pleaded with him to be your friend.

His face was now bright red as he looked at your face. The tears that pricked your eyes made them shine brightly. You were also very, very strong. Genya liked strong people who could stand up for themselves. You were... very much his type.

He blushed brightly while trying to get away from your grip, "Okay! Sorry! Geez..."

You let go of his hand and walked past him, leaving him incredibly flustered and confused. You however had a hand over your mouth as you smirked at how he reacted. Genya was such a cutie! That day you made it a goal to help Genya however you could!

Eventally you ran into the three butterfly girls playing in the garden and took them to the kitchen to help you out.

You got heavily scolded by Aoi after being so late, she had already plated most of the plates by the time you got back. After a quick chop to the head by Aoi, you were on you way with the three girls to passing out food.

Taisho Era Secret! Inosuke Style!

M/n has been practicing Japanese day and night, but I don't know why?! Why do they need to, they would do better sparing with me!

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