Spoiler Alert: Gimme a Break

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Okay. so I might have lied about ending the story. 

Enjoy the chapter...

Don't hate me 😭

The next arc was the swordsman village arc, or whatever it was called, and you already had a handy little tool to get permission. You would just use pity points to guilt-trip Kagaya. 

That is exactly why you are sitting in front of a said man, looking over his face in worry. The man's scars had gotten much worse since the last time you two had met, which was quite scary looking.

All thoughts of guilt-tripping the poor man flew out the window.

Despite the obvious pain the man was in, he still smiled at you gracefully as he began talking, "I grant you full permission to go to the swordsmith village, that is if you stay and have a conversation with me."

"O-Oh, yeah okay," You stuttered, the excuses to go dying on your tongue as you looked at the man in shock, "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Kocho-san had sent me a letter a little while ago," He said with a bitter smile, "Was she correct? You're turning into a demon?"

"W-Well slowly but surely..." You said with a frown, "It's not too bad. It's just the sun that's causing me issues. Food is also... kind of tasteless."

"I see... what is your plan?" Kagaya asked, picking up the glass of tea with some help from you.

"Well, I suppose I just fight till I die," You said with a huff, "You could use me as canon fodder when I'm close to turning completely. I'm not sure I care."

"..." Kagaya stayed silent, making you realize you were sort of being a dick, "So you refuse to retire? We could keep you safe till you've turned."

"No, I don't want to burden you," You said with a smile, "I want to use my power for good, I don't want to laze around."

"You must know that you've helped enough, Y/n," He said with a slight frown, "No one would blame you for quitting while you still have your sanity."

"Then I should've quit a while ago," You said with a humorless laugh, "I think we both know I'm not sane anymore, not after everything that's happened."

"..." You could almost see the sorrow in the man's eyes, "You are too young to have dealt with this. I wish I could send you home."

"This is my home," You said smiling, "I have never been happier than I am now, even if I die at 18 I would do so with a smile."

"Is it really, I wonder how your life would be if you were in America at the moment."

"Lonely, I assume," You said, thinking of your past life, "I will always choose to live here, in every timeline. In everything world."

"If that is what you wish," He said with a sigh, "Do you have any more updates about the future."

"Yes, but I can't tell you," You said with a smile, "You ever heard of the butterfly effect?"

"Yes," Kagaya said with a smile, "I understand your caution, Y/n."

"Thank you for being so understanding, Ubuyashiki-sama," You felt a fondness for the dying man in front of you, and you clenched your hands into fists as you thought of his untimely death.

"You may go to the swordsmith village, I will arrange for you to go as soon as possible," Kagaya said with a smile, "You are however not permitted to go on any missions until then, I want Kocho-san to monitor your condition."

You were irked in your head, but smiled and agreed to his command, "I understand, thank you for taking time for me."

"Why of course Y/n,  you're like my child at this point," He smiled as you stood up, wiping invisible dust off your pants, "I'll have to fight Uzui for the right to adopt you."

"You are one funny guy, Kagaya," You said with a huff of laughter, walking to the door and bowing even though he could not see it, "I bid you adieu."

Kagaya sat in silence, a frown marred on his face. He ignored the metallic taste in his mouth and tears threatened to fall from his eyes. It felt as if he was sending his child to their death.


Shinobu sat in front of you as she examined your body, poking and prodding. You said silently, ignoring the anger that was inching its way on her face.

You looked down at her face, a small blush growing on your cheeks as she put her cold hands on your body. 

Shinobu picked up a scalpel, making you turn your head questioningly. All questions disappeared however when she cut into your stomach.

You were about to yell when your wound wove itself back together, looked good as knew. Shinobu looked just as shocked before she looked up in worry.

"I have bad news," She said with a sour face, "Your condition is getting worse. Have you had a taste for human flesh?"

"No, I'm still entirely human in the brain," You said, "Food has been pretty tasteless lately though."

"Hm. Has your sun sensitivity gotten any worse?" She asked, looking up at your face for any sign of pain as she pressed on the place your broken rib once was.

"Kind of? I haven't been out much," You said, "I feel human though, but that most likely doesn't matter."

"You are unlucky," She sighed, standing to her full height and turning around towards the cabinet. You frowned as she took out an empty needle, time to draw blood, "I have a question, why did... Douma... attack you?"

You shivered at the cold tone she used when she said Douma's name, "He said he loved me, but he can't feel emotion so I don't believe him."

Shinobu froze and looked at you with so much pity in her eyes that it made you want to cry. You wondered if she was seeing you or Kanae at this moment. 

"You must not fall for his lies," She said, walking up and taking your arm. You put the needle close while looking for a reaction out of you. She did not get one, "He is a man built entirely on lies."

"I know," You said, looking at the ceiling as your blood was drawn, "He was persistent, but I have had bad experiences with uppermoons. I'm not about to date one."

She did not laugh at your small joke, instead, she frowned deeper, "I don't want you to get hurt, Y/n."

"I know, I don't think anyone wants someone to get hurt," You said, "Except maybe Sameni, but he's a dick."

"Yeah, he is," She said with a smile, "Don't be too rough with him though, I don't want to lose yet another pillar."

"My, I would never Shinobu-san," You said with a laugh, "You think to badly of me."

Shinobu smiled as she removed the needle in your arm, looking at you sincerely. She gripped your hand almost desperately, making you freeze for a second, "Drop the formalities, please."

"Huh?" You asked, like a dumbass.

"Just call me Shinobu," She said with a smile. You had an inkling this one was real, "We're friends, right?"

You looked at her shocked before smiling. You ignored the blush growing on your face, "O-of course! Just call me Y/n!"

"I... I already do that..." She giggled, "I suppose I could call you a nickname. How do you feel about honey?"

You blushed so hard you were worried you would get a bloody nose. You pretend not to notice the smirk on Shinobu's face.

Taisho Era Secret! Kagaya Style!

Kagaya thinks of you very fondly and wants to fire you from the Demon Slayer Corps so you can live a normal life. Sadly, he refuses to go against your wishes. He won't let the future you've chosen be stolen from you once more.

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