Spoiler Alert: Father Figure Aquired!

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Wrote this on my phone so it didn't have any corrections from the computer. I won't be revising it tho, just wanted to get the chapter out.
Also I've been obsessed with tokyo revengers lmao so I'm just binge reading fanfics.

English is underlined.

You woke up to a couple of sniffles, each from children. The sound made you bolt awake, looking for the ones crying. That was probably a trauma response or smth but we won't unpack that.

The kids who were sniffling then let out screams as you quickly sat up and looked around. Three of them ran out of the room in fear while one of the jumped onto you in joy.

He wrapped his arms around your torso, making you groan in pain. He didn't seem to hear that though as he rubbed his tears on your bandages.

You studied the boy closer and realized it was an old friend of yours, Shoichi.

"What are you doing here Shoichi?" You asked with a creaky voice, it was dry from disuse.

"I rea-really missed you!" Shoichi did not awnser you, instead he babbled and sobbed into your chest, "My b-big bro-ther is he here too! And my sister!"

"That doesn't really awnser my questions..." you sighed as you put a hand one his head and ran your fingers through his hair.

Shoichi babbled more into your torso sqeezing tighter making you choke. You were about to push him off when a loud bang caught your attention. Someone slammed the door open, like a brute.

"Y/n!" Was what you heard before a inconsolable Aoi jumped onto you, nearly squishing Shoichi in the process. You let out a groan before looking towards the door and seeing Uzui looking at you with a mean glare.

"What's with that look, old geezer," You teased him, talking a bit louder to make sure he heard you over the two crying on your bed. He immediately looks guilty when he heard your voice.

"I'm so sorry, Y/n," he started before you looked at him unimpressed and interrupted him.

"Do not start crying please, you're too old to cry about me?" You said, making him irk at you and start walking towards you to scold you.

"That is the LAST time I worry for you!" He yelled at you with his arms crossed, he pulled a chair towards your bedside and sat down while glaring at you, "and to think I actually had a little sympathy, even going to offer you a rooms at my house, but nOoOOOo, you just had to ruin the moment..."

"Why would I get a room in your house tho," You asked with a confused face before letting out a groan when Aoi sqeezed a bit too hard on your stomach, "Aye! Be careful!"

"Sorry owl!" Aoi said while still crying, you looked at her like she was crazy, "I'm just so happy!"

"Literally why tho," You said before correcting yourself and talking in Japanese, "Why are you happy."

"Cause you're awake! This time you didn't sleep forever!" She cried to you he tears slowly coming to a stop. Shoichi was still crying like crazy, and it was making Uzui upset.

"You little runt!" Uzui yelled at Shoichi before grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling him away from you, "Quit your sobbing! You'll burst their eardrums!"

You giggled as Shoichi continued to cry, making Uzui drop Shoichi on the floor so he could cry without getting tears all over your bandages.

"Y/n! Y-you wil-will have to reti-re!" Aoi said between hiccups as she held onto your hand tightly.

"No thanks," You said plainly while using your other hand to look at your nails, they grew out a bit and and looked all long and sharp now.

Uzui stood silent for awhile before starting to yell at you again, "Idiot! You lost a leg you maniac! You have no choice BUT to retire!"

"Don't worry Y/n, you can live with me!" Shoichi yelled, the crying mess he once was no longer present. He smiled proudly as he put his hands on his hips.

"No thanks," You said before taking the blanket off of you and trying to stand up. Uzui immediately tried to use you back down with a glare, but you simply smacked him away from you, "I don't wanna retire, so I'm just gonna, like, walk, y'know?"

You immediately stood up, ignoring the way you wobbled almost immediately and had to put your hand on Shoichi's head to steady yourself.

After a couple of falls and scolds from everyone in the room you sat on the bed of your room with your arms crossed as you grumbled, "okay, so maybe I need a cane or something, big whoop."

"Literally how are you supposed to fight demons with a cane," Uzui said with his arms crossed before shrugging, "You could always just take up my offer and retire dude, I've got like a mansion dude."

"I'm seriously not gonna retire, lol," You said, arms crossed as Aoi looked at you confused. 'LOL' probably wasn't a very common term in this Era.

"I'll find you a cane, Y/n!" Shoichi said as he stood up, running towards the door.

"You don't even know where they are!" Aoi yelled after him angrily before pointing her fingers towards her eyes to you, the universal sign of 'I'm watching you' before she ran after the boy scolding him.

You looked over to Uzui with a sincere look for once, actually considering taking up the offer of retiring and stealing one of his rooms, "Are you serious?"

"Well, duh?" Uzui looked at you were the most stupid person in the world, "Why the fuck would I lie? My wives wanna meet you too btdubs."

You looked at him incredulously as he looked at you all smug like. You decided to order him to do something to make your anger lessen, "bring me a pen and paper."

"Pen?" He asked you confused.

"Literally shut the fuck up," You sighed before going back to Japanese, "just paper then."

"Why should i?" He asked all sassily, arms crossed. He had the additude of a teenage girl who just got caught by her mom for sneaking out.

"Cause I'm crippled," You said, guilt-tripping him.

"Oh my god, ugh- fine," he got up with an additude before sauntering off to look for some paper. He might be nice and get some ink for you as well.

Taisho Era Secret! Uzui Style!

Uzui was considering retiring even though he got no injuries, but he thought that two of the hashira retiring in such a short time would take a toll on the corps.

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