Does anyone how any ideas for this book? I have a lot of stories for later in the story, but in all honesty, I'm having trouble not just adding a time skip to the end of the rehabilitation arc...
Also, let me know if you would like more interactions with different people, I want you guys to know that I care about your opinions.
English is underlined.
The trio was incredibly dramatic when it came to rehabilitation training. In all honesty, you were flying through it with no problem. Maybe a few times you got splashed in the face by Kanao with medical water while admiring her, but other than that you were done with the training relatively fast.
While Tanjirou was just starting to block Kanao from grabbing cups, you were starting your own training. One that Shinobu specifically requested you try to use. Sure it was brutal, but it was no challenge for you.
You were incredibly grateful you asked to be as strong as a hashira.
You were currently in the garden, twisting yourself like a pretzel to improve your flexibility. Your head was in between your knees as your arms held onto your ankles. Like the pose Inosuke was in. You were resting somewhat, thinking about some things.
You hadn't thought about it for a while since you had such a good time here, but you never really thought more about how people were at your home.
Your mom must've noticed your disappearance (or death) by now, but you weren't exactly sure she would really call the police. You are sure she would go to jail for neglect, seeing as she didn't notice her own kid gone for so long.
You kind of hope that she goes to jail, she was not good to you when you were younger.
As much as you loved your mom, you always like disobeying her. You loved sneaking out and getting bad grades. You would fight people and steal from stores. You couldn't even remember how many times your parents had to pick you up from the police station.
Enough for it to cause a strain in their personal relationship, obviously...
"Are you sad, Y/n?" You heard from above you and saw Tanjirou looking down at you.
You shook your head as you unraveled your body from its position, jumping up to the ground as you stood up and looked down at Tanjirou. He looked at you worried for a moment longer before smiling at you brightly.
"It's been so long since we've really spent time together, you've been so busy lately!" He said as he led you to the patio and made you sit down next to him, "I never knew you were so strong!"
"Of course I'm strong!" You said as you flexed your arms with a confident smile. Your muscles were very big, and the jiggle that used to be present in your thighs was no longer present. You would be lying if you said you didn't miss it.
"Oh! You speaking English made me remember something I wanted to ask!" Tanjirou said with a bright smile as he grabbed your hand and put both his hands on it, "Please teach me English!"
You both sat in silence for a while before you let out a small 'huh?' and Tanjirou sputtered in embarrassment. He most likely thought you didn't want to.
"Me?" You said as you pointed to yourself.
"Yes! It's okay if you don't want to though!" Tanjirou said with a small blush as he looked away, "I just want to be able to talk to you properly... I feel like you are doing all the work."

Spoiler Alert [Demon Slayer self-insert]
Fanfiction[GENDER NEUTRAL READER] Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea, and maybe you should've thought about it more but you were happy. Sure you didn't have shoes or pants on and you were probably dead in your world but it was all for the sake of your happines...