Spoiler Alert: C'mon dude...

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If you did not read the first chapter of this story, I have a character from that chapter in this chapter. You wont have to go read the first chapter but I thought I would warn you.

English is underlined.


You totally fucked up! How could you forget about the goddamn poison?! Just cause you were strong didn't mean you had poison resistance! You could only hope you survived until Nezuko figured out how to unpoison people.

You managed to save Uzui from losing his hand and Inosuke getting stabbed in the chest. This meant that you totally prevented the scene in which Tanjirou got mocked. With Iguro coming early that meant you really didn't have to worry all that much.

Iguro was doing a good job of weakening the uppermoons, but the two of them were very standoffish. You could only assume they were starting to get worried due to the increase in hashira.

While you were thinking, a sash was hit away from Uzui. This caused said sash to fling off and hit a certain someone. That certain someone just so happened to be you. 

You let out a scream as the sash hit you right in the stomach, making you kneel over and try and cradle the organs falling from your stomach back into your body. Blood fell from your mouth as you puked up from the pain.

The sash that hit you was now stuck in your body, and no matter how uch you tried to take it out it only continued to dig into you. 

Seconds felt like hours as your organs fell to the roof top and slid into the gutters on the house. Your eyesight started to go blurry, your total concentration breath not helping you in the moment. 

You eventually fell to your side and continued to watch the fight. The sash was now out of your body, and with it gone it no longer acted as a cork. More blood fell from your body and bones crunched in your body whenever you tried to move.

You came to realize no one had noticed you getting hit, well, not until it was too late to stop the sash digging into you. You were no longer able to be saved at this point. 

On the bright side though, they killed the two demons. They however didn't notice you dying on the rooftop, guess you would die alone then. You weren't actually all that worried about it, you were only worried about not keeping your end of the contract. 

Does this mean you would really end up a demon, cause you didn't exactly kill Muzan in time? You would probably be able to make a deal, right? Maybe you'd have to get a penalty. 

You heard a 'hoot' in front of you, but your eyesight was too blurry to recognize that it was your bird, Thana. You let out a small giggle before coughing up more blood. Seeing your dilapidated state, Thana started to fly off to grab one of the slayers.

You died before they caught up to you.




"Damn, you died quick..." You opened your eyes to see a very hot man with a smug look, "Maybe you should've taken the immortality instead of getting more time to kill Muzan, lol."

"Literally fuck off," You sneered at him before pointing your finger at him, "Who the fuck even are you."

"What?" The demon looked at you confused before gasping and clapping his hands, "We met before though, I'm the demon who got you here. You remember, Quantavious, the transmigration demon?"

"Huh?" You asked while you thought about it for a while, "Weren't you all old and loud last time I saw you?"

"Well," He looked a bit angry, "That was different! Right now, we are in my realm, meaning I can take any form I want. Last time we were in a different realm and I had to follow the stereotype of demons in that world."

"That's kinda dumb," You said as you crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the floor.

"Shut up, I'm not the one who is dead," He said before pointing at you with a smile, "Now that you died, I will get promoted for bringing in a new demon! I'm kinda sad that you didn't kill Muzan though, you aren't really demon material..."

"Wait, can't we come to an agreement?" You asked nervously as he started doing his weird magic thing and drew a circle.

"We already did, not unless you'd like to make another deal with me," He said with a bit of a smile, "I must warn you though, If you make another deal you will have to become a demon no matter what."

"Then yeah, we can do that!" You said with a smile before crossing your arms, "What's the catch though."

"You will be given a penalty," He said with a sigh before making a paper appear as he brainstormed, "I think I'll just take a leg away or something, maybe make your eyesight worse..."

"Damn, how am I supposed to kill Muzan then?" You gasped dramatically, "Also, won't the demon slayers have realized I'm dead by now?"

"Well, duh," He said before writing something down on the paper. He handed you the pen he used to write and hovered the paper in front of you, "I'll just change the time to when your bird left though, that way they won't have seen you yet."

"Umm, okay?" You said before signing again. You didn't bother reading the terms.

"Damn, not even gonna read it?" He said before putting his hands on his hips and starting to explain the terms, "You have to kill Muzan in a year and a half from now, and since you already signed you can't really change the terms at all."

"Damn," You shrugged before handing the paper back, "Guess it can't be helped..."

"Yeah, yeah," He sighed before snapping his fingers, "Bye now."

"Yeah, see ya," You said with a wave. You blinked and you were back on your side in your old position. 

You sat up and immediately puked, don't from the pain this time though. Not to say you weren't in pain though. You analyze your body and take note of your blurry eyesight and missing leg. Your stomach wasn't hurt as bad as before, but it still wasn't very good.

Wait... Missing leg?

You scream.

Taisho Era Secret! Tanjirou Style!

Tanjirou completely forgot you were fighting with them, so when he saw Thana in the sky he got confused as to why your bird was flying around. When Zenitsu started to freak out about your heart stopping he was genuinely confused for a hot minute.

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