English is underlined.
Uzui was just, staring at you. Like, menacingly. You honestly do not understand what you did wrong, last time the both of you talked it was all nice!
"Y/n..." he said with his head down, making you shiver and think of all the wrongs you did in life.
You were about to apologize to him when he looked up at you seriously, making you shut your mouth quick and listen.
"Y/n..." he started off before looking at you with a smile, "I talked to you to my wives and they wanted to meet you so I brought them over lol."
You stayed silent before immediately jumping up and hitting him on the head hard, "Don't get all serious just to say 'lol' at the end of your sentence!"
"Whatever you twerp!" He said angrily before sitting up and walking towards the door, "I just thought I would tell you, didn't want you getting all surprised seeing them."
"You are such an asshole..." you grumbled before immediately putting on a customer service type smile when he opened the door.
The three girls entered the room, two seeming a little giddy while the other was calm and polite looking. She smiled at you and bowed a bit before introducing herself, "It's great to meet you, I'm Hinsturu."
"Hi, I'm Suma!" Suma walked up to you, barely dodging a hit to the head from Makio, "Tengen has talked about you so much! I totally thought you would be older!"
You smiled at the term 'totally', guessing she picked it up from Uzui using it around his house, "oh? He talks about me?"
"Only good things, you're all he talks about lately," Makio said before looking a bit sheepish and introducing herself with a tiny bow, "Sorry, I'm Makio."
"Seriously?" You looked at Uzui, seeing his look a bit embarrassed, "Why aren't you nice to me in person then!"
"Oh shut up!" Uzui said before withering at the glare sent by Hinasturu, "I'm totally nice to you..."
"Whatever, anyways it's super nice to meet you girls!" You said with a smile, "sadly I can't greet you with my full hospitality due to my injury."
"It's okay!" Suma accidentally yelled, making Makio send a mean glare at her. The two started to bicker, making Hinasturu start talking to you instead.
"It's okay," she said calmly, "I heard you don't have a space to stay after you heal from your injury, would you like to stay at our residence?"
"Yeah!" Suma said excitingly, ignoring Makio's scolding, "we have a bunch if room!"
"Uzui already invited me," You smiled calmly, "I was thinking of staying if it was alright with you guys, I don't exactly know you all."
"You're practically my kid with how much Tengen talks about you," Makio said proudly, crossing her arms, "He talks all about your achievements like they were his own."
"I do not!" Uzui said with his arms crossed, huffing.
"Why are you embarrassed now," Makio said teasingly, poking at him, "Just admit it, you're proud of them."

Spoiler Alert [Demon Slayer self-insert]
Fanfiction[GENDER NEUTRAL READER] Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea, and maybe you should've thought about it more but you were happy. Sure you didn't have shoes or pants on and you were probably dead in your world but it was all for the sake of your happines...