I think everyone fell in love

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'Hey thanks for walking me back' kat said when she got to her door.

'Of course, of course, no problem, happy to help.' she open the door to her and alfies place but Goliath stood by the door watching up and down the street.

'Is there a problem?' She asked putting her things down on the entryway table.

'no no no problem just figured I would...'

'Come on in Goliath, I can make us a cup of tea.' she offered and held the door open for him.

'no no you don't have to auntie I'm just gonna stay here until Alfie gets home... keep you safe.' Goliath told her. it was cute that he thought she needed protection. It was cute that Alfie thought she needed protection. They had both seen her inside the ring, but that was a very fast match.

'Nonsense! Please come inside' she said but he stayed put. 'If you don't come inside then I will come and sit outside with you would you prefer that?' He stood up he knew that Alfie would rather have her in the house then out in the open.

'no as long as you're sure it's no problem?' He asked her

'No problem at all sweetie come on in I'll put a kettle.' While the kettle heated she moved to the phone calling Finn. 'Put Finn on.' She demanded hearing Arthurs voice.

'Trouble please-'

'FINN. NOW!' kat demanded. Goliath came around looking for kat hearing her yelling. 'I swear Arthur I make good on my threats about removing your balls.' Kat told him and Goliaths hands clutched his own. 'Put finn on the phone.' She demaneded.

'Everything alright ma'am?' goliath asked hesitantly.

'Right as rain on a hot summers day love.' She told him smiling sweetly at him. He nodded turning back to the couches. 'hi Finny!' her tone had completely changed from her previous talk with Arthur not even a minute ago. 'I'm coming round to collect you and bring you home with me in a few days love... yeah I miss you too sweetie. Youre going to love alfies place, his dog is a big mooch but youre gonna love him too... yeah baby... I will see you soon. Make sure your packed! I don't want to step foot in there love... okay... bye love... sweet dreams sweetie...'

It was two short hours until alfie got home. Kat adored goliath. He was just 16 not much older than finn but he was taller than any man she had ever seen and possibly the sweetest and most respectful.

'Kat?' Alfie called marching through the doors

'In here!' She called and alfie followed her voice

'Goliath.' Alfie said peeling off his coat once he saw kat was fine. 'Hi love,' he said kissing her a few more time before kicking off his shoes.

'Productive meeting?'

'Mmm' he answered then his nose smelled it. 'Pot roast?' He questioned.

'I put it in a bit ago. Should be ready in an hour or so.' Kat told him.

'Plenty of time then' alfie informed her.


'Bye gol' alfie said picking kat up and carrying her upstairs.

'Bye uncle alfie. Aunt kat.' He said heading out

'Bye goliath!' Kat called.

'You okay with goliath? Was didnt try anything did he?' Alfie asked as he undressed her

'No, goliath is a sweetie. Called me auntie. It was so cute.' Kat informed him.

'Hes had a little crush on you since we saw you fight way back when'. Aflie told her.

'I think everyone fell in love with me a bit that night.' she teased.

'Yet a mean shit like me got ya...' he said as she pulled at his clothes.

'I love you alfie' she whispered.

'I love you katarina'. He said kissing her deeply. They didnt stop til the timer went off for the pot roast and they had both worked up quite the appetite.

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