Shelby Family Legacy

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Alternative ending 2

'Polly spoke to me.'

'Dead polly?' Alfie questioned

'Yes. She spoke to me. I know what i have to do.' Kat told him.

'What do you have to do?' Alfie questioned nervously

'Cleanse the Shelby name. I have to kill my family. Every last one of them.' Kat told him calmly and with complete certainty.

'Kat I don't think your aunt wanted-'

'She was very clear,' kat told him. 'It's the only way to save the rest of us.'

'I don't like your family much but you don't have to kill them, let the rest of the world take their shot.' Alfie told her.

'I have to, Polly was very clear. It is the only way. I have to destroy the Shelby family legacy.'

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now