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'Hes coming and I know you want to kill him but you cant.' Alfie told her. she looked up to him. 'stay in the fucking office.' He demanded.

'Alfie, he killed John. I kill him and he stops trying to kill my family.' Kat reminded him.

'Baby,' he put his hands on her stomach. 'you talk to Polly yet?'

'Boy.' She said softly.

'A boy? I told you.' Alfie smiled down at her. 'cant risk you. Cant risk our baby on revenge.' Alfie told her. 'I got a plan and anit nothing gonna happen to your family.' Alfie told her.

'I want to believe you Alfie-'

'Then believe me.' Alfie said kissing her, her hand reached inside his jacket as his arms wrapped around her. 'stay put. Ill be back soon.' He told her shutting her in. she looked over the note he had in his pocket. To kill tommy Shelby... fucking hell Alfie.

Alfie stood in the bakery his eyes closed hands clasped his cane as Luca Changretta walked in.

'Mr. Solomon's' he said and Alfie hummed in response.

'My little cousin was born blind,' Alfie told them eyes still closed. 'as a result I now donate a considerable sum of money to a charity' Alfie told him 'which give dogs with eyes to blind Jews. The chairman of the board recommends that those of us who are blessed with the gift of sight and that we spend at least half an hour a day with her eyes closed. So that way me so that way we may... But understand with the darkness and also to increase our donations in that.' Alfie told them 'what time is it?' Luca man looks at his watch

'8:29' he answered

'Right well then I have another minute to go actually but you... You can begin go on'. Luca smacked his lips before taking a step forward.

'I'm Luca changretta.'

'Oh yeah I know who you are you're a bit of a failure aren't you? You come all the way over here to this country in order to kill Tommy Shelby but I mean... That well he's not dead is he?' Alfie told him, eyes still closed.

'No' luca agreed.

'No' Alfie answered

'He ain't' Luca agreed

'How much time do I got left mate?'

'10 seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds.... 5 4 3 2 1.' Alfie opened his eyes

'Right. Hello,' he said looking them over 'how can I help you?.'

'I have a proposition for you' luca began.

'Yeah I already know what you want' Alfie told him 'I just wanna hear you say it out loud. So I can check how ridiculous it is.' They started speaking in Italian and Alfie started nodding as if he understood

'There's gonna be a little fight a boxing match your boy against Thomas Shelby's boy.' Luca told him 'right Birmingham? Thomas Shelby will be there, along with the whole Shelby family and you Mr. Solomons you'll be there too.' Luca informed him.

'That's it. I'll tell you what. Here's a gift. It's free souvenir of your visit goodbye trot on,' Alfie told him giving them two bottles of rum 'down there is Bonnie street, straight out,' he said pointing at the door Luca uncorked and giving it a smell.

'Do you know they say you're a smart guy. You already know what we want before we say it. That's funny because now I believe I know what you want even before you say it.' Luca countered.

'So you gonna taste it?' Alfie said as Luca brought the bottle to his mouth.

'I think this clowns want us to run his rum into New York' Luca said in Italian

'That's right he does,' Alfie told them. 'Otherwise you wouldn't still be breathing oxygen would you?' Alfie said getting his attention. 'Because I have 200 barrels a month. Cleared by your people distributed through your teams...'

'Thing is, that people want Gin these days,' Luca told him

'Well the exit is still out there. Right on Bonnie Street yeah?'

'You're fucking crazy you know that?' Luca said '200 barrels huh'

'I also want some cash don't worry I broken it down.. here got it all written out for you..' he patted down his coat pocket but didn't find anything he heard hells approaching, the click, click, click of death. 'Honey,' he smiled sweetly he held her hand out and Kat handed him a slip of paper, he swallowed the lump in his throat. 'Honey?'

'I'm good, right here.' She told him, crossing her arms over her chest.

'Ms Shelby' Luca sneered.

'Mrs. Solomons.' She corrected.

'I heard you got married. Didn't realize it was to a gypsy.' Luca said, but he knew, he knew and he hoped she would be here. He wanted to see her for himself before he took her down himself. Pretty little thing, shame she had to die too.

'did realize it was any of your fucking business.' Kat told him. Luca spun the toothpick in his mouth so this was Katarina Shelby. Alfie didn't like the way he as looking at his wife.

'Right...' he said slowly looking back to the paper. 'let's see pertaining to the assassination of a dear friend all right now, normal dispatch well that's 500 pounds cost but you're gonna add another hundred to that because Tommy Shelby like me, is from an oppressed people and then I need you to put another ton on top of that because his brother is a fucking animal and he will come after me. And then you'll need to put another hundred on top of that because well you are a fucking wop mate. And you...' he glanced to Kat. "Then another 500 hundred on top of that because hes my wife is fond of the shelbys.' She just stared a dead stare at them. He looked between the men and Kat. 'And then... We have to deal with ugly business which I've been incredibly clear of before I'll need another 500 pounds because like I said Thomas Shelby is a very very good friend of mine, family even... total is down there in black and white all right?' Alfie said handing them the sheet

'That's OK' Luca said waving a hand to dismiss his man. 'Mr. Solomons, I am going to be very fucking clear with you,' Luca said 'I don't need you to kill anybody I have people that I trust OK? so you're gonna take my boys and you're gonna bring them to the ring as seconds.' Luca informed him.

'Well in order to qualify as my second right they would have to first qualify as being Jewish yeah?' Alfie told him 'in order to do that they would have to replace their natural Italian fucking arrogance with a Jewish air of absolute certainty.' Alfie told him, again glancing to kat, if looks could kill, but she didn't move from her spot. 'You see my good friend Tommy Shelby he will know the difference.'

'These days back in the old country,' Luca told him 'a lot of the... You know the Jewish people' he chuckled 'are having to pass themselves off as Italian.'

'All right well you'll have to add another ton onto your bill for being a cunt mate,' alfie told them calmly as they laughed. 'Alright?'

'You will bring my men to Birmingham?' Alfie nodded

'You will circumcise them?' Alfie countered, Luca froze.

'you will have to circumcise them. Because the peakys will check yet.' Kat informed them.

'OK any other requests?' Lucas asked '200 fucking barrels, we have a deal?' Alfie let out a deep breath '-and what's the matter?'


'Do we have a deal?' Luca questioned

'You just made a deal without a negotiation didn't you? Yeah Tommy Shelby was right about you wasn't he?' Alfie looked to Kat. 'They plan to kill us all,' Alfie said in Jewish.

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now