Pregnant at last

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Within a month she was finally pregnant.

'Im late'. She told alfie happily

'You want to be late? You usually hate being late. Youre always on time,' he didnt understand

'No alfie. Im... late.' She emphasized.

'Late? For what?'

'Not for something alfie. Im late... my period. I havent bleed yet.' Kat told him.

'Is that like constipated you need to be-'

'Alfie im pregnant!' kat exclaimed.


'Im pregnant alfie'

'With my-'

'Of course with your baby!' kat laughed.

'Oh kitten!' He said pulling her in kissing her and picking her off her feet twirling her in the air.

'Whats going on?' Gol asked coming into the kitchen ducking at the doorway

'We are having a baby gol!' Kat said happily as alfie out her back on her feet

'A baby!' Gol looked at kats stomach. Very flat stomach. 'You sure? You dont look-'

'Its early but im sure,' kat said.

'Aw ma im so happy for you. Your gonna be a great mom to a little one.' Gol told her.

'Thank you gol.' Kat smiled up at Alfie, after Johns death and the Luca troubles everything had seems to grim but now just maybe she would have something good and happy to look forward to. no more death in the Shelby family.

'What will it call me?' Gol wondered

'Well he-'

'Or she.' kat cut in

'He-' alfie went on '-will call you cousin.' Golaith nodded eyes drifting back to kats stomach. He was always amazed that women could grow humans inside them

'I was thinking-' kat came and placed a hand on gols arm. 'That the baby could call you big brother goliath or even uncle gol if you prefer.'

'Big brother?' He asked eyes wide. Kat had noticed over the past few months since coming back from tending to her manipulative awful brother, the large boy had started calling her ma and she adored it.

'If you want. I know my brothers looked after me when I was little, they only screwed me up a bit,' she laughed. 'And i think this little one is gonna need a brother like you looking out for her.'

'Or him.' Alfie cut in.

'I'll talk to pol. She will know if its a boy or a girl' kat informed him.

'How?' Alfie question led pulling kat back into his arms.

'Gypsy shit.' Kat said simply

'Gypsy shit' alfie repeated. 'Like voodoo?'

'Like tea leaves and touching my stomach.' Kat told him simply.

'That dont sound all that precise love.' Alfie told her.

'She has never been wrong. You want to find out of dont ya?' Alfie bent down to her belly

'Be a boy yeah?' He told her stomach before kissing it and then moving up to kiss her lips again.

'Doesnt matter what it is alfie. I want at least one of each. Probably more. I have such a big family i loved it.' Kat told him.

'Then we best keep practicing love. Dont want to get rusty!' With that he scooped her up and carried her up the stairs. 'Go to the gym gol,' alfie said over his shoulder. 'Work on your footing. Ill be down in a bit !'

'Yes sir, uncle alfie' Gol said walking off.

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now