Idiot has a plan

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'What the fuck Thomas!' kat screamed over the phone.

'I'm handling it.' He assured her.

'Like you handled the Hollands? No that was me. was this shit idea come up with in a pub?' kat screamed.

'Sweetie, whats with all the-' Alfie stopped short, she was stomping around the office, waving her hand about, screaming at the top of her lungs.

'I'm going to kill you! You hear me?' she shouted.

'I am going to get them out. I promise.'

'Thomas what the fuck! I was there with you taking are of you for months and then you turn around and do this to our family!' she yelled. 'God tommy do you ever use your head?'

'I dealt with Sabini.' Tommy reminded her.

'Fan fucking – tastic, that was fucking ages ago. You and your Russian shit got them into this. YOU Tommy, YOU got them into this!'

'I did.' He agreed.

'I'm GOING TO KILL YOU!' she shouted.

'I have a plan Kat, I have a plan.'

'Unbelievable,' she finally noticed Alfie by the door. 'The idiot has a plan,' she told Alfie before going back to stomping and huffing around the room. 

The Shelby Family Legacy // Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now