Tommy is in Hospital

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It became habit, whenever kat and Goliath came to train everyone would come to watch. Gathered around the ring they were occupying and if they were lucky, kat would pick one of them to help so Goliath could have some experience with other peoples fighting habits and skills. Someone easier than kat.

It had been a month of training and retraining. She had to beat out the bad habits Aflie's previous instructor instilled in Goliath. He was like a clean slate though now. Skilled and strong but ready to be molded into the perfect fighter.

'Thank you aunt Kat.' Goliath told her as they were walking back home for the day.

'you are so welcome honey.' Kat told him wrapping her arm around his and leaning into him. Alfie had stopped insisting upon proper clothing and stopped hoovering once he realized that Kat had this handled. He trusted her.


'Tommys in hospital' john informed Kat.

'What?' Kat screamed down the line. 'Hospital!'

'Hes gonna be okay. I think' john told her.

'You think? What the fuck happened john?' Kat shouted alfie came down the stairs in a hurry upon hearing her yelling, goliath too.

'They were gonna kill him but... tom got lucky. He was basically dead kat.' John informed him.

'You call that bloody lucky!' Kat snapped

'Kat hes alive. Hes not good but i think hes gonna be fine. It will just take some time-'

'Where is he?'


'Which hospital john? It he safe there? The last time tom and i were at hospital was a shit show. Complete and total shit show.' Kat reminded him.

'Hes safe kat.'

'You sure?'

'Hes safe.'

'Im going to see him. Bye john.'

'Everything okay love?' Alfie questioned upon kat slamming the phone done on the hook.

'Tommy nearly got himself killed, the little shit and now hes dying in hospital. I need to see him.' Kat said pulling on her coat.

'Umm alright. Right now?' Alfie questioned

'Right now yes.' Kat told them.

'No no honey its late, go tomorrow i will even drive you myself. Well i dont drive but gol needs the practice. Come on baby lets go tomorrow.' Alfie told her and kat agreed. So first thing after breakfast they drove to the station and hopped on a train. Kat was a wreck the whole damn trip. She stared out the window silently as Alfie kissed her knuckles.

'Thomas Shelby.' Kat said when she approached a nurse. 'Thomas Shelby. Where is he?'

'Are you family?'

'I'm his sister. Where is he?' kat snapped. Alfie and Goliath thought it best to stay in the car.

'Right through there, end of the hall on the left.' She told her and kat took off. Tommy looked pathetic.

'Tommy?' kat whispered pulling the door shut silently behind her. he didn't move, if he hadn't been breathing kat would have thought him dead. 'Tommy?' she questioned a bit louder touching his arm. He took a deep breath, it looked like it hurt to breathe. 'Tom...' tears filled her eyes.

'Hi kitten... what are you... doing... here?' he questioned through labored breaths.

'What the fuck happened tommy?' Kat questioned sitting down on the edge of his bed. he sat up, the effort it took to sit up made him want to lie back down. Kat propped up his pillows and he leaned back into them.

'Nothing good kitten.' He told her. 'I'm glad youre here.' He told her.

'are you gonna be okay tommy? You are gonna be okay right?' she questioned.

'yeah, I will be right as rain... don't worry about me love.' Tommy assured her.

'I'm gonna stay and take care of you.' Kat told him.

'Really?' he didn't realize almost dying would get his sister to come back.

'Someone's gotta take care of you. Might as well be me. I missed you Tommy.'

'I missed you too baby.' He kissed her head and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

'johns a right shit.' Kat informed him and tommy smiled leaning back into the pillows. 'fucker told me you were basically dead.'

'I basically was love.' Tommy told her. 'yet you came running all the way here for me... a dead man.'

'well I needed to know if I was planning a funeral or a rehabilitation plan.' Kat teased. 'when can I take you home?'

'two weeks? I think.' Tommy told her.

'okay... I'm going to go back to London and pack a few things then I will be back to pick you up and nruse you back to health.'

'thank you.' Tommy told her.

'is it safe here?' kat questioned.

'yeah... safe enough.' Tommy informed her.

'ma'am, its time for his medication.' A nurse said trying to usher kat out.

'I will be back soon.' She told him kissing his cheek. 'don't you are die on me Thomas!' kat called over her shoulder.

'everything go okay love?' Alfie asked when she got outside.

'Yeah, hes okay. He looks like hell but hes okay.' Kat told them.

'that's great Aunt Kat.' Gol told her, opening the car door for her.

'I um...' kat didn't know how to say this.

'What is it love?'

'I need to stay and take care of Tommy.' Kat said quietly and Alfie gave her a very slow nod.

'cant we just hire someone to-' Alfie began.

'hes my brother. He needs me. I'm going to go home and pack a few things and be back here in two weeks, that's when they let him out... I'm going to take him to his home out in the hills, apparently he bought a mansion.' Kat told them.

'kat you don't have to-' Alfie tried again.

'once he is doing better and can take care of himself I will come back. Its not forever. Just for a bit.' Kat told them leaning into Alfie. He didn't like the sound of that.

'Not forever. Just a bit.' Alfie repeated.

'You are my forever Alfie.' 

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