Not that kind of Bakery

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"hi Cyril, come here boy!' finn said running around the park. Kat smiled over her notebook, writing a new song but she crossed it out every time she was getting somewhere. 'come play kat!' finn requested and kat jumped up.

'that sounds like a great idea.' After an hour of running around with Cyril finn's stomach was grumbling.

'can we go to the bakery were uncle Alfie works?' Finn requested.

'Its not that...' kind of bakery... 'sure.' They had bread right? Yeah, they did... 'that sounds great.'

'do they have pastries and sweets too?'

'Not that kind of bakery love.' Kat said hooking Cyril to his leash and leading them to the bakery.

'Uncle Alfie!" finn said happily when he saw him talking with Ollie.

'Mr. Shelby.' Alfie said smiling over at them. 'good to see you again.'

'I'm not mr. Shelby. I'm just Finn.'

'No you are getting too tall.' Alfie teased

'you saw me this morning.' Finn reminded him.

'Right, right... You got a birthday coming up too.' Alfie reminded him. He kissed kat wrapping an arm around her. 'ello Cyril.'

'we were at the park, Finn was hungry wanted to see the bakery...' kat explained. 'you have bread right?' she questioned silently.

'since I married you, yes.' He informed her. 'always got fresh bread cause I know how much you like it.'

'Can I have a tour?' Finn asked.

'You show him around and I will go to the little deli and get some meats and cheeses, stuff for a proper meal.' Kat said handing Finn Cyrils leash. She kissed Finn's head before heading out. Alfie tipped his head to Ollie and he followed her out.

'Mrs. Solomons.' Ollie said catching up with her, even in heels she was fast.

'Ollie, I don't need a babysitter and its Kat.' Kat told him as she walked.

'what? No, I'm not...' ollies face went red.

'I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, Ollie.' Kat told him, she pulled open the deli door and started handing him ingredients. 'but since you're here...' she said with a smirk.

'I'm here to help, also I like pickles.' Ollie told her. 'the little ones on sandwiches.' He nudged her.

'who doesn't?' she grabbed two cans of pickles. Once hers and ollies hands were full she moved to pay but ollie put money down first.


'Alfie said hes paying. Save your money, your never gonna need to use it again though.' Ollie told her handing over the cash. 'hes really smitten with you Kat.' Ollie told her as they walked back. Kat just smiled down happily. She liked this new life. It was similar but different. She felt more free than she had and yet to the world a woman was still a mans property but it didn't feel like that with Alfie. Sure he made sure whenever she was alone she had someone from the bakery with her, and don't think she didn't notice the men watching her while her and Finn were at the park. Peakys knew how to be sneaky but these bakers, they didn't have that skill. 

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